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題 名 | 臺灣中部埔里斷層=Puli Fault in Central Taiwan |
作 者 | 李重毅; 徐兆祥; 張渝龍; 毛爾威; 李錦發; | 書刊名 | 臺灣石油地質 |
卷 期 | 32 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁155-164 |
分類號 | 353.4 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣中部; 埔里斷層; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 埔里斷層為臺灣最明顯的構造之一,為一左移走滑斯層。斷層全長超過六十公里,沿著西北微北的方向,斜貫臺灣中部的麓山帶及雪山山脈的大部份,由地層錯位估計其水平移距當在數百公尺之間,向西北方向遞減。曲地層厚度的變化顯示埔里斷層早期為臺西盆地與北港高區間之界限斷層,為伸張所裂作用所形成之正斷層,晚中新世南莊期以後,臺灣發生構造反轉,橫移擠壓使斯層反轉發有成走滑斷層。埔里斷層為臺灣一條重要地質構造線,斷層兩側地層之強度及構造有極大之差異,北側一般地層緻密堅硬,構造複雜,南側則地層較疏鬆,構造亦較單純。 |
英文摘要 | The Puli fault is a greater than 60 km long sinistral strike-slip fault which cuts through the western foothills and HsUehshan Range of central Taiwan and was active postlate Miocene(NN8-NNIO). The map-view separation is less than 1 km and decreases towards the northwest. The Puli fault marks boundary between the Taihsi basin to the north and the Peikang high to the south. Structural inversion overprints initial extensional faults with strike-slip displacements of transpressional origin. The Puli fault is an important structural Fine which separating highly deformed rocks to the north and gently deformed rocks to the south. |