- Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae: Inuleae) in Taiwan
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- Notes on Three Newly Naturalized Plants (Asteraceae) in Taiwan
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- 臺灣產灰木科植物之訂正
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題 名 | Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae: Inuleae) in Taiwan=臺灣產菊科闊苞菊屬(Pluchea)植物之分類訂正 |
作 者 | 彭鏡毅; 陳志輝; 呂文賓; 嚴新富; | 書刊名 | Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica |
卷 期 | 39:4 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁287-297 |
分類號 | 377.2215 |
關鍵詞 | 菊科; 闊苞菊屬; 闊苞菊; 光梗闊苞菊; 美洲闊苞菊; 翼莖闊苞菊; 植物分類; 染色體數; 臺灣; Asteraceae; Chromosome number; Inuleae; Pluchea; Pluchea carolinensis; Pluchea indica; Pluchea pteropoda; Pluchea sagittalis; Taiwan; Taxonomy; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究進行臺灣產菊科闊苞菊屬(Pluchea)植物之分類訂正,臺灣共有四種菊科 闊苞菊屬(Pluchea)植物,其學名分別為P.carolinensis (Jacq.)G. Don(美洲闊苞菊) 、P.indica (L.) Less.(闊苞菊,或稱鯽魚膽)、P.pteropoda Hemsl.(光梗闊苞菊)及 P.sagittalis (Lam.) Cabera(翼莖闊苞菊)。闊苞菊與光梗闊苞菊為臺灣原生海濱植物; 前者廣泛分布於全島西部海岸線,後者則僅見於雲林、嘉義、臺南濱海地區,過往文獻錯誤 報導光梗闊苞菊為生長於臺灣中央山脈的稀有高山植物。近年來美洲闊苞菊大量歸化於南臺 灣低海拔地區;同為原產於美洲之翼莖闊苞菊則在臺灣中北部西海岸低濕地區滋生,本文為 此二種植物歸化臺灣之首次報導。本文針對以上四種闊苞菊屬植物進行分類訂正,提供檢索 表、植物繪圖及在臺灣之分布圖;另報導歸化臺灣之美洲闊苞菊植物的染色體數為n=10,而 分別採自臺灣以及香港之光梗闊苞菊植物染色體數為n=20。 |
英文摘要 | Four species of the Pluchea (Asteraceae) are recognized from Taiwan: P. carolinensis (Jacq.) G. Don, P. indica (L.) Less., P. pteropoda Hemsl., and P. sagittalis (Lam.) Cabera. Both P. indica and P. pteropoda occur in littoral habitats. The former is widespread mainly along the western coastline, and the latter is restricted to the southwestern seashore. Previous reports of P. pteropoda as a rare, alpine species in Taiwan are erroneous. In recent years P. carolinensis has abundantly naturalized in southern Taiwan. Pluchea sagittalis, a second adventive species in Taiwan, grows rampantly in the north. Both were originally native to the New World and are documented in Taiwan for the first time. A taxonomic treatment, line drawings, and a distribution map of Pluchea species in Taiwan are provided. Meiotic chromosome counts of n=10 are reported for the naturalized P. carolinensis and n=20 for an indigenous population of P. pteropoda and a sample collected from Cape D'Aguilar, Hong Kong. |