題 名 | 以有限元素分析法研究頦帽對下顎前突症之下顎骨型態變化=A Finite Element Analysis on the Morphologic Change of Mandibles in Prognathic Patients Treated with Chin Cup |
作 者 | 鄭臣峰; 顏真星; | 書刊名 | 中華牙醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 17:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁262-274 |
分類號 | 416.92 |
關鍵詞 | 有限元素分析法; 頦帽; 下顎前突症; 骨組織重塑; 應力; FEM; Chin cup; Mandibular prognathism; Bone remodelling; Stress; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的是以二度空間有限元素分析法(2-DFinite Element Method; FEM) 探 討下顎前突症 (mandibular prognathism) 之生長期女生在經頦帽治療後,下顎骨形態的變 化。所得結果如下: 以傳統測顱分析法得到下顎骨體長 (mandible body length) 和下顎枝 長 (ramus length) 在治療組有顯著生長抑制現象。 而 FEM 分析結果中, 在大小變量 (size ratio) 方面,位於下顎骨體 (mandible body) 下緣約兩元素 KLM 和 LMR 於治療組 ,size ratio 有增大情形 (p<0.05)。以整體解剖結構來看,下顎骨體的大小在治療組有減 小的惰形 (p<0.05)。 而形狀變量 (shaperatio) 方面, 元素 ABC, CDE, EJK, GMN, KML, LMR, OQR 於治療組,有顯著變化。 若以整體解剖構造來看,頦部 (chin) 的形狀在治療組 有顯著變化 (p<0.01)。 若以青春期前後分組所得結果,九歲以後 condyle neek 形狀在治 療後有顯著變化。本研究結果和模擬下顎骨受力所得應力 (stress) 分佈情形,有相當的關 連性; 即下顎骨受外力於施力點到整個力量分佈路徑的骨組織會有形態和大小的變化。 |
英文摘要 | This study was to investigate the bone morphological changes of the mandible in Angle Class III malocclusions subsequent to chin cup therapy.The subjects consisted of 25 girls with anterior crossbite and Angle Class III malocclusion.The duration of chin cup therapy varied but average 1.8 years. In order to comparing the treatment effects of chin cup therapy, we used FEM analysis besides traditional cephalometric analysis.The results were described as: The cephalometric parameters for changes in absolute mandibular length are given by mandibutar ramus length and mandibular body length. Both of these values showed decrease in percentage value from the control rate of change during active therapy. In the FEM results, two elements of treatment groups on the lower border of mandible showed increases in the size ratios (p<0.05).The anatomic view of the mandibuiar body showed a decrease in the size ratio of treatment groups.Several elements of treatment groups showed significant changes in the form ratio. The anatomic view of the chin area showed significant changes in the form ratio of treatment groups.' There are some different results between the different age groups. After comparing the changes of the mandible between the control group and therapeutic group, it may be assumed that the orthopaedic chin cup forces modifications of normal mandibular growth is closely associated with mandibular remodeling. |