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題 名 | 反轉構造之油氣探勘(二)坑子口構造之石油構造地質研究=Inversion Tectonics and Petroleum Exploration (Ⅱ):Petroleum Structural Geology of the Kengtzukou Structure,Hsinchu,Taiwan |
作 者 | 李重毅; 邱翠雲; 徐祥宏; | 書刊名 | 探採研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 21 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁84-99 |
分類號 | 457.2 |
關鍵詞 | 反轉構造; 構造反轉; 油氣探勘; 抗子口; Inversion tectonics; Structure inversion; Petroleum exploration; Kengtzukou; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 坑子口構造為一發育在斷陷之上由構造反轉所形成的背斜,斷陷由二組走向 NE80 °傾向相反的正斷層所界限,二組斷層均呈雁列狀排列,南邊的一組為主斷層, 北邊 的一組為反向斷層。正斷層形成的時間有二期,一為晚漸新世至早中新世,一為南莊期。本 地區構造反轉為更新世晚期蓬萊運動所引起,頭嵙山層亦受到褶皺變形。 坑子口背斜的構造形貌地表與地下並不一致,背斜軸走向從地表至南莊層頂部呈一逆時鐘旋 轉的現象,從地表之 NE25 °、卓蘭層中部之 NW28 °、錦水頁岩頂部之 NW18 °轉成南莊 層頂部之近東西向;地表至錦水頁岩頂部之坑子口背斜均為單一構造高區,但至南莊層頂部 則變成兩個構造高區。造成此構造形貌上下不一致之現象可能係因本地區南莊期的張裂、抬 升、侵蝕、沈積作用,以及蓬萊運動所引起之構造反轉。 坑子口背斜的構造形貌,除了正斷層復活反轉所產生的厚皮構造之褶皺外,可能還有以桂竹 林層底部、南莊層上部為基底滑動面因而形成的斷層彎曲褶皺的薄皮構造存在。 以反轉構造油氣探勘模式評估坑子口構造油氣潛能,該構造的形成時間及圈閉性並非主要問 題,生油岩的良窳及成熟度才是決定坑子口構造及桃園臺地其他構造油氣聚積的關鍵因素。 坑子口構造所顯示的構造形貌上下不一致的情形,對于竹苗地區之未來探勘有重要啟示。例 如鐵砧山構造之形成時間、機制與坑子口構造相似,但鐵砧山構造深部之木山層、五指山層 的構造形貌,可能與淺部之打鹿砂岩者不一致,因此仍具有新的探勘空間。 |
英文摘要 | The Kengtzukou structure is a dome-shaped anticline developed above an inverted half-graben. Old normal faults are in a NE80 ° direction, and master faults are NW10 ° -dipping. The old normal faults are pre-Pliocene in age. Structure inversion has occurred since late Pliocene, and the Pleistocene Toukoshan Formation has been involved into deformation. The trend of the Kengtzukou anticline changes from NE80 ° at the top of the late Miocene Nanchuang Formation, NW18 ° at the top of the early Pliocene Chinshui Shale, NW28 ° at the middle of the late Pliocene Cholan Formation, to NE25 ° at the surface. A change in the shape and the orientation of the fold in the Kengtzukou struture with depth has an important implication for the exploration of hydrocarbon in the deep target of the Tiehchenshan gas field. The Kengtzukou structure and the Tiehchenshan structure are similar in the timing and the mechanism of the structure development. The Kengtzukou structure is one of the major inverted structures located in the Taoyuan Tableland, where a total of the 12 wells were drilled without significant hydrocarbon discovery. Two wildcats, the KT-1 and the KT-2, were drilled at the high of the Kengtzukou structure. In view of the petroleum system unfavorable burial history of the Taoyuan Tableland seems the main factor leading to less hydrocarbon potential of the area. |