題 名 | 影響雲林地區土地價格關鍵因素之研究=A Study of the Key Factors Affecting Land Price in Yunlin County |
作 者 | 黃錦煌; | 書刊名 | 臺灣土地金融季刊 |
卷 期 | 35:4=138 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁145-200 |
分類號 | 554.7 |
關鍵詞 | 土地價格; 迴歸分析; 共整合與因果關係; 層級分析; Land prices; Regression analysis; Cointegration and causality; Analytic hierarchy analysis; AHP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文主要是研究影響雲林地區土地價格的重要關鍵因素,因為土地為稀少資源 ,且為生產要素之一,而雲林縣為農業縣分,經濟活動以農業為主,工商業發展遲緩,但是 在臺塑集團開發六輕工業區,以及離島工業區與雲林科技工業區相繼開發後,雲林經濟的發 展實力不容小覷,同時也使該地區土地價格上漲,增加廠商及民眾的投資成本。本研究將以 雲林縣本身的經濟條件,與整個臺灣的總體經濟因素,來探討影響雲林縣土地價格的關鍵因 素,並驗證該地區土地價格與經濟因素互動的情形,做為地區經濟開發與發展的參考。 經由迴歸分析的結果影響當期土地價格的重要因素,依次為:匯率、工廠公司及商業家 數、土地交易面積、房屋租金、央行重貼現率, 依照專家判斷以層級分析法 (AHP) 分析其 影響土地價格的重要次序則為:土地交易面積、工廠公司及商業家數、央行重貼現率、匯率 、房屋租金。 以共整合及因果關係找出有時間落差影響土地價格的因素,並以 AHP 法排列 出對土地價格影響力的大小,依次為:貨幣供給額、土地增值稅、經濟成長率、股價指數、 家庭收入等五個因素。 |
英文摘要 | This thesis is researching for the importantly key factors by which Influence the land price of Yunlin County. Because land is a limited resource, it is also one of the necessary factors for production. Yunlin County has been traditionally an agricultural area; the essential economical activity is agiculture. The development of industry and business has been very slow, but the situation has been quite different since the Conglomerates of Formosa Plastic was investedin "Six Naphtha Cracking project" of industrial park, and the government establishing the new offshore industrial park, Yunlin Science and Technical Industrial Park. The potential of the development of economics is relatively high in Yunlin. At the same time, the land price has also gone up; the investment cost for both the factories and individual is higher than ever. This research investigates factors affecting Yunlin land prices, takinginto consideration the economic circumstances of Yunlin County itself and also the macro-economy of Taiwan. It has also tried to prove the co-relation between the land priccs and economical factors in order to prove a suggestion for the area economical investment and development. On account of the result of regression analysis, the important factors and companies, the parcel of land size, house rent, rediscount rate. According to the experts who analyze the factors by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) the sequence is as followed which influence the land price are: exchange rate, the number of faetories: the parcel of land size, the number of factories and companics, rediscount rate, exchange rate and house rent. This researching also try to find out the factors with time lag by studying the co-integration and causality and list them according to AHP to find how much influcncing to the land price, the sequcnce is money supply, land increment value tax, cconomic growth rate, stock price index, family income. |