- Beclomethasone dipropionate對氣喘病人於模擬高空飛行艙航中引起的低血氧飽和度及低肺活量之保護效益
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題 名 | Beclomethasone dipropionate對氣喘病人於模擬高空飛行艙航中引起的低血氧飽和度及低肺活量之保護效益=The Protective Effect of Asthmatic Lung Function at High Altitude by Beclomethasone Dipropionate |
作 者 | 蔡秋帆; | 書刊名 | 康寧學報 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁149-160 |
分類號 | 412.85 |
關鍵詞 | 氣喘病人; 飛航旅程; 肺功能; 血氧飽和度; Beclomethasone dipropionate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 搭飛機旅行對某些氣喘病人會造成氣喘發作,本研究用低壓艙模擬民航飛行座艙 環境,以飛航高度維持在 8000 呎高度的方式,研究氣喘病人在飛航中之肺功能及血氧飽和 度的變化,探討氣喘病人在飛航旅程中可能危急發作之生理變化。再則以使用吸入腎上腺皮 質類固醇 Beclomethasone dipropionate,BDP ( 200 μ g ),觀察氣喘病人在此飛航高 度之肺功能及血氧飽和度的變化,是否因為服藥後有具體的保護作用﹖本研究結果發現氣喘 病人在 8000 呎飛航高度之 FVC、FEV �絰P MMF 值均減少,13 名氣喘病人在實驗過程中並 無氣喘發作。 再依肺道阻塞程度將氣喘病人分成兩組: A 組:FEV �窗� FVC (%)≦ 85 ( N = 7 )、B 組:FEV �窗� FVC (%)> 85 ( N = 6 )。A 組之 FVC 值因飛航座 艙高度增加而顯著地減少、FVC 預期值、FEV �筏�亦減少、FEV �窗� FVC (%)、 MMF 值 均增加。 B 組之 FVC、FVC 預期值、FEV �窗� FVC (%)值也會減少、FEV �窗BMMF 會增 加但未達顯著意義。 氣喘病人(包含 A、B 兩組)在 8000 呎飛航高度之血氧飽和度( Sa O �砥^則明顯下降, 脈搏速率雖然有增加但不明顯。 氣喘病人在使用吸入性藥物 Beclomethasone dipropionate ( 200 μ g )三十分鐘後,再度進行 8000 呎高艙航之各 項測驗結果,其中 FVC、FVC 預測值、FEV �策b服藥後均比未服用藥物時增加、MMF 則無明 顯著地改變, 尤其是 A 組在吸入藥後各項肺功能均明顯地增加但 B 組則不顯著。 兩組在 8000 呎航高度使用藥物後之血氧飽和度( Sa O �砥^均明顯回升改善。Sa O �祗飢C與 FEV �筏飢C是氣喘病人發病時的重要表徵, 雖然這些是因為 FVC 降低而引起, 但是如果能以 Beclomethasone dipropionate 提升 FVC 並減少 Sa O �粉P FEV �竣妣飢C,相信對氣喘病 之預防有所幫忙, 尤其是肺功能較差之病人, 這些變化較顯著更應以 Beclomethasone dipropionate 來預防肺活量降低。 |
英文摘要 | It is a big psychological stress for the asthmatic patients to travel by air especially when their lung function is unstable. This study was aimed to clarify the effect of high altitude on lung function. We measured the changes of lung capacity and O �� saturation (SaO �� ) at stimulated air travel altitude 8000 ft by hypobaric chamber. The effect of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) was also evaluated. Thirteen asthmatic patients were recruited in this study. Seven cases were mild asthmatics with the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV �� ) less than and equal to 85 percent of forced vital capacity (Group A) and six cases were moderate asthmatics with the FEV �� over 85 percent of FVC (Group B). All of them were exposed to 8000 ft altitude in hypobaric chamber twice, one with and the other without BDP (200 μ g) inhalation. The lung function and SaO �� were measured by using Gould Spirometry and Digital pulse oximeter. The results showed that FVC, FVC (predict %) and FEV �� reduced and FEV �� /FVC (%) increased. However, the reduction of FVC and increase of FEV �� /FVC (%) can reach a statistically significant level only in Group A (p < 0.05). This change can be normalized after BDP use. There were also significant reduction of SaO �� at high altitude for all asthmatics (p < 0.05), which could also be improved after BDP use. In conclusion, the reduction of SaO �� and FEV �� at high altitude is primarily due to reduction of FVC, which could be more serious in the moderate asthmatic patients. Using BDP to improve pulmonary function is particularly important for these patients during traveling by air. |