- 當歸、鹿角龜版膠混合液補給對衰竭運動引起老鼠紅血球氧化傷害的影響
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題 名 | 當歸、鹿角龜版膠混合液補給對衰竭運動引起老鼠紅血球氧化傷害的影響=Effect of Supplementation of Angelical Sinensis Diels, and Glue of Chineys Reevesii Plate and Cervus Nippon Temmince Horn on Oxidative Damage Induced by Exhaustive Exercise in Rat Erythrocytes |
作 者 | 謝錦城; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 26 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁177-184 |
分類號 | 528.9013 |
關鍵詞 | 衰竭運動; 脂質過氧化物; 氧化壓力; 紅血球可變性; 當歸; 鹿角龜版膠混合液; Exhaustive exercise; Lipid peroxidation; Oxidative stress; Erythrocyte deformability; Angelical sinensis diels; Glue of chineys reevesii plate; Cervus nippon temmince horn; ACC; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討當歸、鹿角龜版膠混合液補給對於衰竭運動引起老鼠紅血球氣化 傷害的影響。二十八隻雄性的白老鼠為受試對象,隨機分配到衰竭運動藥物組 (n=8)、衰竭 運動組 (n=10) 與控制組 (n=10)。 衰竭運動藥物組與衰竭運動組的老鼠在鼠用跑步機上以 陡度 10%,每分鐘 15 公尺的速度先跑 15 分鐘熱身,然後逐漸增加速度與時間,以漸進方 式運動到衰竭。衰竭運動藥物組則在進行衰竭運動前一週每天補給當歸、鹿角龜版膠混合液 ,補給量為每公斤體重 5 公克。衰竭後的老鼠紅血球被收集在裝有抗凝血劑的試管中。 控 制組的老鼠,亦在與衰竭運動組的老鼠犧牲的相同時間收集牠們的紅血球。衰竭運動藥物組 老鼠跑至衰竭的運動時間 (123.39 ± 17.98 分鐘 ) 顯著地比衰竭運動組 (104.36 ± 33.64 分鐘 ) 來得久 (p<.05)。 衰竭運動組老鼠紅血球的丙二醇 (MDA) (1.77 ± 0.33 uM/L) 顯著高於衰竭運動藥物組 (0.67 ± 0.42 uM/L ) 與控制組 (0.42 ± 0.19 uM/L), 在衰竭運動藥物組與控制組之間的 MDA,則沒有顯著的差異。在紅血球可變性指數方面,在 衰竭運動後解剖的第一天,衰竭運動藥物組、衰竭運動組與控制組在可變性指數上,三組間 並沒有明顯的差異存在; 但是到了第十天, 衰竭運動組的紅血球可變性指數 (0.52 ± 0.06) 顯著地比衰竭運動藥物組 (0.70 ± 0.05) 與控制組 (0.74 ± 0.09) 來得低。再者 ,從高倍光學顯微鏡所拍攝的圖片,可以發現衰竭運動組已有溶血的現象的產生。因此,本 研究認為過度的激烈運動會引起氧化傷害,導致於紅血球的可變性指數降低,同時也支持了 自由基是引起溶血性貧血的主要原因。同時證實當歸、鹿角龜版膠混合液是一種抗氧化劑, 能夠避免衰竭運動所引起的氧化傷害。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of angelical sinensis diels, and glue of chineys reevesii plate and cervus nippon temmince horn (ACC) on oxidative damage induced by exhaustive exercise in rat erythrocytes. Twenty eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into the following three groups: 1) exhaustive exercise-drug(n=8), 2)exhaustive exercise (n= 10), and 3) control group (n=10). The exhaustive exercise started at 10% grade, 15 m/min for 15 min followed by gradual increases of treadmill speed and time until exhaustion. The rats in exhaustive exercise- drug group were supplemented ACC 5 g/kg/d for a week before exhaustive exercise. The running time to exhaustion in the exhaustive exercise-drug group(123.39 ± 17.98min) was significantly longer (p<.05) than that in the exhaustive exercise group (104.36 ± 33.64 min). Malondialdehyde (MDA) in the exhaustive exercised rat erythrocytes (1.77 ± 0.33 uM/L) was significantly higher than exhaustive exercise - drug (0.67 ± 0.42uM/L)and control group (0.42 ± 0.19 uM/L). In addition, deformability index (DI) of rat erythrocytes in exhaustive exercise group (0.52 ± 0.06) was markedly decreased than exhaustive exercise- drug (0.70 ± 0.05) and control group (0.74 ± 0.02)at 10th day after sacrifice. Moreover, scanning micrographic technique revealed that rat erythrocytes in exhaustive exercise group had hemolytic phenomenon. It is concluded that exhaustive exercise results in oxidative damage leading to a dramatic decrease in rat erythrocyte deformability and thus provided strong support for the hypothesis that free radical is a major factor affecting hemolytic anemia. And ACC could be one kind of antioxidants against oxidative damage induced by exhaustive exercise. |