題 名 | 岸裡社與漢人合作開發清代臺灣中部的歷史淵源=The Historical Origins of the Cooperation between the Anli Tribe and the Chinese in Reclaiming the Taichung Basin during the Early Ch'ing Period |
作 者 | 黃富三; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 16:2=32 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁61-78 |
專 輯 | 臺灣研究專輯 |
分類號 | 733 |
關鍵詞 | 岸裡社; 臺中盆地; 割地換水; 張達京; 潘敦; Anli tribe; Taichung basin; Exchanging; Land for irrigation water; Chang ta-ching; P'an tun; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 岸裡社是臺灣中部原住民部落,原屬生番,康熙 38 年( 1699 ),因效力清廷 ,平定吞霄社之亂而受賞歸化。在雍正 9 至 10 年( 1731-32 )臺灣中部原住民抗清之役 中,岸裡社又扮演義番角色,戰功彪炳,因而在政治上取得官職,在經濟上獲得賜土,進而 為熟番,成為清代勢力最大的原住民部族。 岸裡社獲賞之地主要位於大甲溪南岸,即今臺中盆地,土地平坦、肥美,水源充沛,對漢人 移民有強大的吸引力。而岸裡社興起後,亦與漢人密切合作,促成中部地區尤其是臺中盆地 的全面開發。異民族接觸原本會因種族、文化、利害矛盾等問題而發生衝突,何以岸裡社願 意以「割地換水」的優厚條件,與漢人合作拓墾呢?追根究底,有其特殊的歷史淵源與理由 ,筆者歸納出四個因素。第一是清廷所賜之大甲溪南岸土地原屬大肚、牛罵、沙轆等中部平 埔族所有,他們與岸裡社有歷史恩怨與利害矛盾,因此岸裡社需藉漢人之力對抗鄰族以確保 地權。第二是漢族移民對中部荒埔虎視眈眈,與大墾戶合作拓墾可以消除其侵墾的威脅。第 三是岸裡社因效力清廷而歸化,漢人的影響日深,其中通事張達京與土官潘敦仔關係密切, 強力主導該社的歸化與漢式農業生產方式的發展。第四是岸裡社漢化後,鹿場日益縮小而肉 源減少,必須另謀糧食來源;而公家差役繁重,族人無法獨力進行生產工作,因此有賴漢人 之合作,發展高生產力之漢式農業,以滿足生活之需。由上可知,岸裡社與漢人因有共利基 礎,雙方乃合作拓墾而迅速完成中部的開發工作。 |
英文摘要 | The Anli tribe, an aboriginal group in central Taiwan, had served as Yi-fan ("loyal barbarians") since the early Ch'ing they first helped put down a revolt by the T'ung-hsiao Tribe in what is present-day Miaoli County in 1699, and then played an important role in subduing a largescale rebellion of the aborigines in central Taiwan between 1731 and 1732. Consequently, they were rewarded with political positions and large strips of land. The land given to the Anli was located in the southern bank of the Tachia River. Because it was flat, fertile and had an abundant water supply, it attracted thousands of land-thirsty Chinese agricultural immigrants. What is most unusual was that the Anli tribe cooperated with the Chinese in developing their land on conditions favorable to the Chinese while most aboriginal groups struggled against invaders. Why did the Anli copperate with the Chinese? In this paper, the following four reasons are discussed. Firstly, the Anli needed the help of the Chinese to protect their newly acquired land, which had originally belonged to other aboriginal rivals or enemies. Secondly, the Anli attempted to prevent by the Chinese immigrants from incusions through cooperations with influential Chinese agricultural developers. Thirdly, Chang Taching, interpreter for the Anli Tribe, played a leading role in the program of cooperative agricultural development between the Chinese and the Anli. Fourthly, the Anli needed Chinese capital, technology and labor to develop a more advanced agriculture to satisfy their increasing demand for food, which was caused by shrinking hunting grounds and insufficient labor force. As the Chinese and Anli shared common interests, they cooperated in transforming the virgin lands of the Taichung Basin into paddy fields over a period of several decades. |