題 名 | 電磁波遮蔽性粒片板之研究(1)--木材粒片與碳材料複合製板=Electromagnetic Shielding Particleboard(Ⅰ)--Manufactured from Wood Particles and Carbon Materials |
作 者 | 林正榮; 黃耀富; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 17:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁613-629 |
分類號 | 436.51 |
關鍵詞 | 電磁波; 電磁波干擾; 電磁波遮蔽性; 粒片板; Electromagnetic wave; Electromagnetic interference; Electromagnetic shielding characteristics; Particleboard; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗探討了粒片樹種、板厚、比重、用膠量、不同碳黑量塗布含浸祇及其複合 位置、碳纖維織布層數及其複合位置等對粒片板在1.5~2.7GHz頻率範圍之電磁波遮蔽性質 之影響。結果顯示粒片板電磁波之介入衰減效果,樹種間、(6、8及10%)用膠量間、比重間 (0.66~0.86)並無甚大差異,介入衰減值均在5dB以下;介入衰減值雖有隨板厚之增加兩增加 遮蔽效果,但介入衰減值亦在5dB以下,碳纖維織布複合於板中間者之遮蔽效果比複合於 表面者差,後者兩面各複合兩層者之介入衰減值可達60~7OdB以上。 另方面粒片板的反射衰減效果,則以用膠量少者,其反射衰減值較大,介於5~25dB之 間;又比重較大者,其反射衰減較小,介於5~15dB之間;又比重相仿,板厚愈薄者,其反 射衰減值有愈大之趨勢,介於5~30dB之間;樹種間三種針葉樹的反射衰減值差異不大,但 闊葉樹粒片板,則有硬槭木>紅櫟木>柳桉木,其值介於5~25dB之間。上下各複合兩層碳 纖維織布之複合粒片板,其反射衰減值均在0.2dB以下,若複合於板中,則反射衰減值比複 合於表面者大。顯示碳纖維織布複合粒片板對電磁波之遮蔽效果,完全來自於反射效果而非 吸收效果。 |
英文摘要 | Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of particleboard of different thickness and specific gravity, made from various species and rate of glue speading were studied in the frequency range of 1.5~2.7GHz. The effect of carbon black amount coated on the impregnated paper sheet and its setting location, the number of carbon fiber woven cloth and its setting location on the shielding property were then examined. The results showed that species, rate of glue spreading (6,8,10%), and specific gravity (0.66~0.86) had no effect on the insertion loss values of the electromagnetic wave and the values increased with increasing board thickness, though their values are all below 5 dB. As for the particle composites, When the carbon fiber woven cloths were combined the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the overlaid board is better than that of embedded board. If 2 sheets of carbon fiber woven cloth were overlaid onto both sides of the board respectively, the insertion loss value of the composite was greater than 60-70 dB. For the return loss of electromagnetic wave through the thickness of particleboard, the lower the glue spreading rate the higher the values, the higher the specific gravity the lower the values, both were in the range of 5-25 dB. For boards of similar specific gravity, the less the thickness the larger the return loss values (5-30 dB). Species of softwood particles had no effect on the return loss values of particleboard. However, boards from hardwood showed an order of hard maple > red oak > lauan. As for the composites made from Japanese fir particles and carbon materials, the return loss values are small, for example, less than 0.2 dB for those overlaid with 2 sheets of carbon fiber woven cloth on both sides. |