題 名 | 協助創傷病人及家屬渡過危機之護理經驗=Nursing Experience in Helping a Trauma Patient and the Family Through the Crisis |
作 者 | 賴錦玲; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 15:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁266-273 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 創傷病人; 危機; 護理經驗; Trauma patient; Crisis; Nursing experience; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文是探討一位因車禍受重創病患從急性期到恢復期的護理經驗,以及如何協助 家屬度過危機之心得分享。個案從住院到出院,總住院天數共96日,歷經加護中心和普通病 房,筆者為神經加護中心之護理師,後因交叉訓練而至病房服務,故整個過程筆者均有參與, 印象與感受亦極為深刻。在照顧個案的過程中,筆者一面利用觀察法、會談法和傾聽之技巧 來收集資料;一面也採護理過程記錄法和事後回憶記錄方式做資料分析與整理之工作,並於個 案出院後予以數次電訪來追蹤病情。不論個案從生命垂危至恢復期,或是家屬從哭泣無助到 積極參與、有信心面對未來挑戰的過程中,整組醫療人員及護理人員均投注很大的心血與努 力。照顧此個案和家屬後,讓筆者更加肯定護理專業的功能及其重要性。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to discuss the nursing experience needed for caring for atrauma patient from the emergency period to the recovery period. It is also to share the experience of in helping the family to pass the crisis. The total hospitalization days of the patient were 96 days including the Intensive Care Unit and the general ward period from the hospitalization to the discharge. The author was involved in the overall care processes for the patient because the author was not only the nursing specialist of the Intensive Care Unit but also served in the general ward by the cross training program. Methods of investigation, interview, and listening skill were used to collect the data. The nursing processes recording method and the retrospective memorial method were used to manage and aualyze the data. Telephone follow up was also done several times after the patient was discharged. Great efforts were made not only for the patient in the life threatening period to the recovery period but also for the family who was changing from helpless crying to be positive participants with faith to face the future. Nursing professions played an important role and function in caring for a trauma case and his or her family. |