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題 名 | 藥物濫用個案家屬照顧需求及其相關因素之探討=The Needs of Caregivers and Related Factor for Clients with Drug Abuse |
作 者 | 楊秋月; 蕭淑貞; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 6:4 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁304-314 |
分類號 | 548.82 |
關鍵詞 | 藥物濫用; 家屬照顧需求; Drug abuse; Family care need; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討藥物濫用個案的家屬之照顧需求及其相關之因素,從主要照顧者 主觀的感受來了解研究主題,研究採橫斷式調查法,研究工具為研究者自擬的結構式問卷, 以立意取樣對在北部某療養院接受藥癮戒治個案之主要照顧者,進行結構式會談,共收集有 效問卷 50 份。以因素分析萃取家屬照顧需求的因素,分別命名為:互動問題、經濟問題、 負性副作用、再犯問題、自尊問題、同儕問題等六個因素。 並以描述性統計及 t 考驗分析 、單因子變異數分析,皮爾森積差相關、逐步複迴歸等統計方法,進行資料的分析。本研究 有下列重要結果:(一)家屬最需協助處理的是個案的負性副作用;(二)負性副作用照顧 需求與個案就業與否、家中藥物濫用人數、家庭發展階段有關;(三)家中藥物濫用人數及 家庭發展階段為家屬照顧需求重要之預測變項,總變異量為 31.49 %。 本研究結果有助於 臨床護理人員了解家屬照顧需求及作為協助藥物濫用個案戒治、家屬適應之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore drug abusers' "family need" and related factors from caregivers' subjective perceptions. This study is of cross-sectional design using an interview questionnaire. Subjects were recruited by convenient sampling from the caregivers of clients who were treated in one psychiatric center in Taipei for drug abuse. Fifty valid questionnaires were collected. The factors of "family need" were identified by factor analysis and named as "interaction", "economy", "negative side effect", "relapse", "self-esteem", and "peer". The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression. Three important findings were drawn from this study: 1. "Negative side effect of family need" was the most needed help for the drug abusers' family; 2. The negative side effect of family care need is related with employment status, family development stage, and the number of drug abusers; 3. the number of drug abusers in the family and family development stage were the significant factors for drug abusers' family care need. They explained 31.49% of the variance in family care need. |