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題 名 | 健康大學生之十二經原穴良導絡值的相關性分析=Factor Analysis of the RYODORAKU Values at VI-TALITY POINTS of the Twelve Merldlans |
作 者 | 許昇峰; 黃維三; | 書刊名 | 中國醫藥學院雜誌 |
卷 期 | 7:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁11-16 |
分類號 | 413.2 |
關鍵詞 | 原穴; 良導絡值; 因子分析; 階層集群分析法; Vitality point; Ryodoraku; Factor analysis; Hierachical cluster analysis; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究乃根據中醫難經六十六難的說法「五臟六腑之有病者,皆取其原也」,參考日本人中谷義雄經實驗得到的結果發現"代表測定點多半是原穴的存在”,故採用良導絡儀測量十二經絡原穴之良導絡儀,探討原穴良導絡值之間的相關性,並依傳統中醫理論加以解釋統計結果。研究中以良導絡值,測量81名健康男大學生十二經原穴上的良導絡值,以因子分析(Factor Analysis)法探討,依統計結果顯示,區分成4個因子,特徵值分別為12.67、3.02、2.17、1.49,解釋十二經原穴良導絡值的變異性共可達80.7%。其中第一因子主要由左右足陽明胃經、左右足少陰腎經、左右足少陽膽經、左右足厥陰肝經之原穴太衝的良導絡值組成。因子1中,所包括的原穴良導絡值組合,解釋全身左右十二經絡原穴的良導絡值的變異性,解釋力可達5成以上(52.8%),代表著這個組合對於全身十二經原穴的良導絡值起了相當重要的作用。將因子係數再以階層集群分析法(Hierarchical Cluster Analysis),可以看出二大群,包括上肢經絡群與下肢經絡群。上肢經絡原穴良導絡值間,更可以區分為兩群,分別是手三陽經群與手三陰經群,這與內經經脈篇對上肢經絡的命名分類有一致的看法。 |
英文摘要 | According to the idea from Nan-Ching(難經) we may find out the Zang-Fu (臟腑) disease from the vitality point(原穴) at the whole meridian. We use the Ryodoraku device(良導絡儀) to detect the 24 vitality points of twelve meridians. Those Ryodoraku values divided into 4 Factors by Factor Analysls. Eigenvalues are 12.67, 3.02, 2.17 and 1.49. These 4 Factor can explain 80.7% the variation of the 24 Ryodoraku values at all the vitality points of the twelve meridians. Factor 1 consists of the vitality points of Stomach, Kidney, Gallbladder and Liver meridians. Factor 1 may explain 52.8% of the variation of 24 Ryodoraku values at all the vitality points, and it stands for a major factor of the human Zang-Fu-meridian system. In the physiological theory of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kidney and Stomach systems are the most important systems of Human body. Factor 2 consists of the vitality points of Small Intestine. Triple warmer and Large Intestine meridian. Factor 3 consists of the vitality points of Lung, Pericardium and Heart meridian. Factor 4 consists of the vitality points of Spleen and Bladder meridian. Since Hirerachical Cluster Analysis divided the 24 vital points into 2 major groups, there are 6 meridians of the upper extremity (手經:上肢經絡) and 6 meridians of the lower extremity(足經:下肢經絡). The 6 meridians of the upper extremity divided into two subgroups, which are Hand-3 Yin and Hand-3 Yang Systems. This is the same result as the classification principle of meridian theory in Nei-Ching(內經). The 6 meridians of the lower extremity were divided into two subgroups, which are Stomach-Kidney-Gallbladder-Liver and Spleen-Bladder groups. This result is different from the traditional meridian classification. |