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題 名 | 臺東縣大崙溪魚類群聚、棲地環境與保育經營策略=Freshwater Fish Community, Habitat, and Conservation Measures of Dalun Stream, Taitung |
作 者 | 戴永禔; | 書刊名 | 國立屏東科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 7:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁195-205 |
分類號 | 387.105 |
關鍵詞 | 高身鏟頜魚; 水底攝影機; 颱風; 水文; 水質; Varicorhinus alticorpus; Underwater camera; Typhoon; Hydrology; Water quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1996年每季一次調查大崙溪淡水魚群聚生態之現況,以做為大崙溪集水區經營之 參考依據。大崙溪水質在調查期間呈現不穩定狀態,氨氮濃度與濁度在8月前後有明顯的改 變,可見7月底賀伯颱風所夾帶的洪水使得大崙溪水質中含氮有機物減少,泥沙等懸浮物則 明顯增加。11中旬的豪雨則僅使得自8月逐漸澄清的水質又再度混濁。颱風的水流將泥沙 和小礫石向下游沖刷,而將卵石暴露出來。調查期間共發現淡水魚類2科7種,包括日本禿 頭鯊(Sicyopterus japonicus)、褐吻蝦虎(Rhinogobius brunneus Complex)、極樂吻蝦虎 (Rhinogobius giurinus)、高身鏟頜魚(Varicorhinus alticorpus),何氏棘色□(Spinibarbus hollandi)、 平頜溪哥(Zacco platypus)、馬口魚(Candidia barbata)。其中以高身鏟頜魚的族群相對數量最 多,是大崙溪淡水魚群聚的優勢魚種。所以,大崙溪的棲地管理策略,應針對高身鏟頜魚的 生息棲地作為主要保育標的。未來保護區設立後執行保育計畫,對大崙溪水質及水生物所帶 來的影響,應予以監測評估。根據實地調查之淡水魚群聚資料與水文水質及水生物所帶來的 影響,應予以監測評估。根據實地調查之淡水魚群聚資料與水文水質之棲地資料,再加上與 相關單位與學者之訪談,據以對農委會、台東縣政府、台東縣海端鄉公所、林務局四單位提 出個別之管理與保育建議。 |
英文摘要 | Freshwater fish community and its habitat of Dalun stream, one of the tributary of Beinanda Stream in Taitung, were surveyed quarterly at a sampling section (100 m in length) in 1996. The water quality of the stream was unstable. Hubert Typhoon, occurred in late July, reduced the concentration of ammonia nitrogen and increased suspension in the water. Flood in November increased the turbidity again. The stream after the typhoon and flood was wider and deeper than before. The size of substrate increased from sand and gravel to cobble. Seven species, Japanese monk goby (Sicyopterus japonicus), common stream goby (Rhinogobius brunneus Complex), giurinus goby (Rhinogobius giurinus), mien minnow (Varicorhinus alticorpus), Holland's barb (Spinibarbus hollandi), Flat-jawed chub (Zacco platypus), and horse-mouthed chub (Candidia barbata), were found. Since the mien minnow, which is endemic and legally endangered, is the dominant species of the freshwater fish community in the Dalun stream. The management goal of this ecosystem and its fish resource should be considered the habitat of mien minnow throughout the whole Beinanda stream integrately. To establish a reserve based on the Wildlife Conservation Law: 1994, is essential for utilizatoin and conservation of this particular resource. Impacts on the water quality, hydrology, and fish community should be monitored coninuously. Conservation measures for the different levels of authorities, i.e. the Council of Agriculture, Taitung Hsien Government, Hai- Duan County, and Forest Bureau are suggested based on interviewing with relevant agencies and individuals and the survey of this study. |