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題 名 | 寬頻遠距教學系統在醫學通識教育之應用=The Effectiveness of Broad-Band Distance Education System in Medical General Education |
作 者 | 陳恆順; 陳晶瑩; 郭斐然; 林家青; 陳良基; 李明濱; 陳慶餘; | 書刊名 | 醫學教育 |
卷 期 | 2:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁33-43 |
分類號 | 410.3 |
關鍵詞 | 非同步傳輸模式; 遠距教學; 通識教育; Effectiveness; Asynchronous transfer mode; Distance education; General education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 寬頻遠距教學先導系統結合最新電腦與ATM(asynchronous transfer mode)網路科技,建立高品質的即時雙向雙向視訊會議系統。臺大醫學院規劃醫學通識課程「衛生保健」為跨院、跨校的遠距課程,以進行遠距教學實驗,並實施問卷調查。選修衛生保健之人數為175人,法學院最多占77%,執行初步成效尚稱良好,整體滿意度約在60%左右。在遠距教學系統軟硬體的評估方面,聲音的評價最高、影像次之,電腦輔助顯示最差,滿意度等級分別約在75%、50%、40%左右。遠距教學課程方面以教材內容呈現的滿意度70%最佳。其餘在內容,老師及課程管理的滿意度約在40%上下。滿意度最低的是學生在課堂上之互動,只有10%。在比較遠距與傳統教學之差異問卷調查結果,也發現在課程內容、老師、教室安排方面,遠距教學均優於傳統教學,只有學生課堂互動卻遠比傳統教學為差。其原因在於教室、人數的增加造成即時互時的困難,這方面未來可以利用非同步教學輔助系統,如電子郵件論壇、電子佈告欄、全球資訊網等來加以改進。本研究中也發現,遠距教學系統解除了時間與空間的隔閡,是影響學生接受度高低的一個重要原因。 |
英文摘要 | A broad-band distance education system integrates new computer and ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) network technology to establish a real-time high quality two-way videoconference system. Through the system, class locations can be extended. and education can be personalized. The NII (National Information Infrastructure) broad-band distance education system began its pilot project in July 1995. As a collaborating institution, the National Taiwan University College of Medicine, (NTUCM) announced a general medical education course health promotion as a trial distance education course. The course was an elective course open to the whole campus and two other universities. Using a questionnaire, we investigated the course's effectiveness and compared it with a traditional lecture course. One hundred seventy five students attended the class, 77% of them from the College of Law. The questionnaire showed the overall satisfaction was about 60% for the course and distance education system. The satisfaction of the audio (75%) was better than the video (50%) and computer presentations (40%). The satisfaction with course content presentation was 70%. In the other items concenning course content, teacher and course management, satisfactions was around 40%. The poorest results (10%) were found in student the interaction in class. In another questionnaire comparing the two education systems, the distance education course was rated better than the traditional lecture for many items including course content, teacher and classroom arrangement but student interaction in class was again rated low. Increases in numbers of students and classrooms made interaction among students and teacher in a distance education class difficult. Including mailing lists, bulletin board systems, and the World Wide Web as supplements to the course could be the solution. In the future NTUCM will integrate the Internet, narrow-and ISDN, and broad-band DSI, DS3 and ATM networks, to collaborate with the telemedicine project of National Taiwan University Hospital and affiliated teaching hospitals to develop a medical distance education program combining clinical teaching and consultation training. we expect to establish a national medical network for medical education. |