題 名 | 九0年代失業保險政策的新潮流:韓國、加拿大及英國的經驗與啟示=The New Trends of Unemployment Insurance Policies in 1990's: Experiences and Revelations of Korea, Canada and Britain |
作 者 | 郭振昌; | 書刊名 | 國立空中大學社會科學學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁135-159 |
分類號 | 556.82 |
關鍵詞 | 失業保險; 就業促進; 雇傭保險; 就業保險; 求職者津貼; Unemployment insurance; Employment promotion; Employment insurance; Jobseeker's allowance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 失業保險可扮演兩種角色:一為社會保險的一環,必須發揮所得再分配及生活安 全保障的功能;一為就業安全的一環,屬於失業危險的保障,與就業促進息息相 關。而申領失業保險給付須先失業認定,與就業安全更具密切相關,也因此有半 數以上的辦理失業保險國家,由勞工行政的就業安全部門主政。我國於全民健康 保險開辦,並積極規劃國民年金保險制度後,社會保險政策已走向合乎世界發展 趨勢的分類保險,故失業保險亦宜單獨立法。 此外,先進國家咸認:失業保險應配合充分就業政策,不僅為一種支給失業情 況之福利給付制度,且應運用其基金以協助就業服務、職業訓練,以預防及抑止 失業。九0年代韓國(一九九五)的雇傭保險制度、加拿大(一九九六)的就業 保險制度及英國(一九九六)的求職者津貼制度等開辦失業保險的國家均已朝向 「失業保險」與「就業促進」整合性就業政策的趨勢,其積極促進就業的功能, 頗值得國內借鏡。 |
英文摘要 | Unemployment Insurance (UI) plays two roles: first, it is one kind of social insurance. UI promotes income distributions and protects unemployment risks; second, UI is one kind of employment security, it prevents unemployment risks and promotes re-employment. UI has a closer relationship with employment security than before. The qualified recipients of UI program must obtain unemployment recognition by employment agencies. There are more than a half number of countries in the world conduct UI program by employment security department, not by social insurance department or labor insurance department. Advanced countries consider that Ul should cope with full employment policy, not only to offer cash payments but also promote smooth employment adjustment. In 1990's, there are many countries, such as Korea (1995), Canada (1996) and Britain (1996) etc., which have established Employment Insurance System and integrated employment policy from UI program. Theirs experiences are valuable to be learned. |