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題 名 | 國立中央圖書館與「文獻保存同志會」=The National Central Library and the Documents Preservation Federation |
作 者 | 林清芬; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 87:1 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-22 |
分類號 | 001 |
關鍵詞 | 國立中央圖書館; 文獻保存同志會; 古籍搜購檔案; 鄭振鐸; 中英庚款會; National central library; Documents preservation federation; Acquisition of ancient books file; Cheng Chen-tuo; Board of trustees for the sino-british educational and cultural endowment fund; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國家圖書館典藏之善本古籍,主要是來自民國29至30年抗戰期間,由蔣復璁館長,與港摳有識志士,組成「文獻保存同志會」在中英庚款會及教育部的經費支持下,冒險搜購而得。同志會中,張壽鏞和何炳松,於抗戰勝利前後即辭世,留下資料不多。因此,近年來另一成員鄭振鐸資料的陸續面世,引起世人重視。但是穌有人知,有關「文獻保存同志當」最重要、包含最廣、最原始的文件,典藏在國家圖書館館史舊案巷中。它不僅涵蓋鄭振鐸、張壽鏞、何炳松、徐鴻寶及葉恭綽等人的原始書信,更包含教育部、中英廣款會及中央圖書館往來的公文文件。本文旨在探究這批史料的史料價值,及中央圖書館與同志會的合作關係。 |
英文摘要 | The special collections of ancient and rare books now being kept at the National Central Library were mainly acquired during the difficult and risky. period of 1940-41 in the middle of the War of Resistance., Against the Japanese Aggression, through the work of the Documents Preservation Federation, with financial support from both the Board of Trustees for the Sino-British Educational and Cultural Endowment Fund and the Ministry of Education. The Documents Preservation Federation was formed by the then President of the National Central Library, Mr. Chiang Fu-t'sung and other far-sighted persons in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Among its members, there were Messrs. Chang Shou-yung and Ho Ping-sung, both of whom died immediately before, or soon after the victory of the Resistance War, and not much of the materials that they had acquired have survived. Probably owing to this scarcity, the recent availability of another member of the Federation, Mr. Cheng Chen-tuo's collected materials has understandably drawn wide attention. But it is rarely known that the most important, most comprehensive, and original documents relating to the Federation were actually kept unacknowledged in the old files on the history of the National Central Library. These files include not only the original letters of Messrs. Cheng Chen-tuo, Chang Shou-yung, Ho Pingc-sung, Hsu Hung-pao, Yeh Kung-cho, and others, but also comprise official documents between the Ministry of Education, the Board of Trustees for the Sino-British Educational and Cultural Endowment Fund, and the National Central Library. This article is aimed at looking into the historical value of these materials, and the relationship of cooperation between the Library and the Federation. |