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題 名 | 國中生之性別、學業成就、遊憩參與型態與自重感之研究=The Association Relationships of Gender, Academic Achievement, Recreation Participation Patterns, and Self-Esteem among Junior High School Students in Taiwan |
作 者 | 余嬪; | 書刊名 | 高雄師大學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁119-147 |
分類號 | 523.58 |
關鍵詞 | 休閒; 遊憩參與; 遊憩阻礙; 自重感; 自我概念; 學業成就; 性別差異; 青少年; Leisure; Recreation participation; Recreation barriers; Self-esteem; Self-concept; Academic achievement; Gender differences; Youth; Adolescents; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以1,256名國中生為受試,探討國中生一般自重感程度及遊憩參與型態(包 括遊憩活動參與頻率、和誰一起參與、參加的組織、與休閒的阻礙等),同時探討性別及學 業成就對其遊憩參與和自重感的影響,以及學業成就、遊憩參與、自重感及與愉悅生活感受 的相關。主要研究工具為自重感量表與遊憩參與問卷。基本描述性統計、t考驗、二因子變 異數分析、與積差相關為主要的統計方法。研究者除對受試者背景與其一般自重感及遊憩參 與形態之分析結果做報告外,其他主要結果發現有:1.性別與學業成就業自動感無交互作用 影響,但分別有主要效果影響。男生自重感較女生高,學業成就較高者其自重感較高;2.性 別與學業成就對遊憩參與型態無交互作用影響,但分別有主要效果影響。女生在全部的遊憩 參與程度上較男生高,而在許多遊憩活動項目上,兩性的參與程度有顯著差異;此外,學業 成就愈高者在整體的遊憩參與程度上也較高,且不同學業成就者在不同活動類別參與程度上 也有不同傾向;3.學業成就、遊憩參與、自重感與愉悅生活感受的程度等變項間均有正相關 。 |
英文摘要 | There were 1256 junior high school students participated in this survey research. The main pruposes of the researcher were to investigate the self-esteem levels and recreation participation patterns among junior high school students in general, to investigate the interaction relationships of gender and academic achievement on their levels of self-esteem and on their levels of recreation participation, and to investigate the relationships among levels of academic achievement, self-esteem, recreation participation and the pleasant feelings toward their lives. The Self-esteem Inventory and Recreation Participation Questionnaire were the main instruments used in the study. Descriptive analysis, t-test, two-way ANOVA, and Product-moment correlations were used for statistic analysis. The major findings are listed as follows: 1. No interaction relationships were found of gender and academic achievement on their levels of self-esteem. However, major effects of gender and of academic achievement on their levels of self-esteem were found. Male students had higher levels of self-esteem than females, and students who perceived higher academic performance had higher self- esteem than those who perceived lower academic performance. 2. No interaction relationship were found of gender and academic achievement on their levles of recreation participation. However, major effects of gender and of acadmic achievement on their levels of recreation participation were found. Female students had higher levels of recreation participation than male students. Gender segregation was also found in many different recreation activities. Also students with better academic performance had higher levels of recreation participation in general and in certain recreation categories than those with lower academic achievement. 3. Positive correlations were found between the levels of academic achievement, recreation participation, self-esteem and their plaeasant feelings toward their lives. |