- 液-液相間轉移催化反應中誘導期之探討
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題 名 | 液-液相間轉移催化反應中誘導期之探討=Studies of the Induction Period in Liquid-liquid Phase Transfer Catalytic Reactions |
作 者 | 胡滌華; 葉茂榮; | 書刊名 | 技術學刊 |
卷 期 | 13:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁275-284 |
分類號 | 460.02 |
關鍵詞 | 液-液相間轉移催化反應; 誘導期; 苯甲酯; L-L phase-transfer catalytic reaction; Induction period; Benzyl esters; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在液-液相間轉移催化反應中,整體反應速率的快慢決定於中間產物在兩相間的質 傳速率和有機相中化學反應速率。在反應初期,由於中間產物在兩相間並未達到平衡,反應 同時受到質傳和化學反應速率的控制,經過一段誘導期後,中間產物在兩相間之傳遞達到平 衡,反應不再受到質傳的控制,僅決定於化學反應速率的快慢,本研究利用溴化芐和酸監合 成苯甲酯的反應做為模式反應,探討影響誘導期長短的因素, 以做為建立液 - 液相間轉移 催化反應動態模擬之依據,其中包括攪拌速率、觸媒種類與用量、酸鹽種類與用量、有機溶 劑種類、有機相 / 水相體積比和水相中鹽類濃度等。 結果顯示反應中誘導期之長短與質傳 速率有關。質傳速率快則誘導期短,反之,如質傳速率較慢,誘導期將會增長。 |
英文摘要 | The bulk reaction rate in the phase-transfer catalytic reaction is determined both by the mass transfer rate of the intermediate product between two phases and the chemical reaction rate in the organic phase. In the beginning, the reaction rate is controlled by the mass transfer rate and thechemical reaction rate since the intermediate product does not reach equilibrium between two phases. After an induction period, the reaction rate is solely determined by the chemical reaction rate. In this study, syntheticreactions of benzyl esters from benzyl bromide and several carboxylates were chosen as model reactions to investigate the induction period. Stirring rate, kinds and amount of catalysts, types and amount of carboxylates, kinds oforganic solvents, volumetric ratio of organic/aqueous phases and salt concentration in the aqueous phase were chosen for study of their effects.The experimental results show that the length of the induction period isrelated to the mass transfer rate between the phases. A fasterass transfer rate shortens the induction period length. On the other hand, if the masstransfer rate becomes slower, the induction period will be lengthened. |