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題 名 | 氨作為養殖系統中生物濾床之制菌劑的可行性探討=A Study on the Feasibility of Ammonia as a Bactericide Used in the Biofilter of Aquaculture System |
作 者 | 張錦宜; 徐崇仁; | 書刊名 | 水產研究 |
卷 期 | 5:1 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁51-60 |
分類號 | 439.6 |
關鍵詞 | 氨; 制菌劑; 硝化細菌; Ammonia; Bactericide; Nitrifying bacterium; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗分別檢測氨對水產病原菌及硝化細菌的殺滅能力,並評估利用抗生素及氨分別處理養殖水體及生物濾床的二階段防治模式,以探討氨施用於生物濾床中作為有效制菌劑之可行性。實驗結果顯示,氨對引起鰻魚潰瘍症之Edwardsiella tarda及自循環水養鰻場生物濾床中分離出之Nitrobacter sp.與Nitrosomonas sp.的殺菌能力有顯著差異,其石炭酸係數分別為1.79、0.04及< 0.02。於小規模的循環水系統中試驗二階段防治模式,以人工接種致使養殖環境中E. tarda大量孳生後,養殖水體以50 mg╱lchloramphenicol藥浴24 小時,水中總生菌數及E. tarda的數量分別減少了84.7%及91.5%;另一方面,生物濾床以140 mg╱l氨水浸泡24小時,水中總生菌數及E.tarda的數量則分別減少了91.0%及96.4%,而經上述處理後,過濾系統之硝化效率依然不受影響。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the feasibility of ammonia as an antibacterial agent used in the biofilter of recirculating systems, the bactericidal effects of ammonia to aquatic pathogenic bacteria and nitrifying bacteria were examined, and a two-step curative model that means using antibiotics to the culturing water and using ammonia to the filter was established. The bactericidal effects of ammonia to Edwardsiella tarda, the typical pathogen causing the edwardsiellosis of eel, Nitrobacter sp. and Nitrosomonas sp., both the nitrifying bacteria isolated from the biofilter of recirculating eel-culture system, were manifestly different. The phenol coefficient is 1.79, 0.04 and <0.02 respectively. The two-step curative model was conducted in a small-scale recirculating system where E.tarda broke out after being artificially inoculated. Total viable bacterial counts and E. tarda numbers in the culturing water reduced 87.7% and 91.5% respectively, after twenty-four hours bath treatment by 50 mg/l chloramphenicol. On the other hand, total viable bacterial counts and E.tarda numbers in the filter system reduced 91.0% and 96.4% respectively, after twenty-four hours bath treatment by 140 mg/l ammonia. The nitrifying efficiency of the filter system was not affected by the treatments mentioned above. |