- 狀態性焦慮對中樞訊息處理及周邊執行速度的影響
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題 名 | 狀態性焦慮對中樞訊息處理及周邊執行速度的影響=The Effect of State Anxiety on the Central Information Processing and Peripheral Execution Speed |
作 者 | 任卓偉; 陳錦龍; | 書刊名 | 體育研究 |
卷 期 | 3 1997.04[民86.04] |
頁 次 | 頁41-55 |
分類號 | 528.9013 |
關鍵詞 | 狀態性焦慮; 反應時間; 前動作時間; 動作時間; State anxiety; Total reaction time; TRT; Premotor time; PMT; Motor time; MOT; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討狀態性焦慮( state anxiety )對反應時間( TRT )之中樞 訊息處理速度(前動作時間,PMT )以及周邊肌肉執行速度(動作時間,MOT )的影響。受 試者為大專和研究所學生,身體健康之志願者男性 16 位女性 14 位。受試者隨機分派至實 驗組(給予高塔跳傘之焦慮情境)或控制組(不給予焦慮情境)各 15 位。經收集其狀態性 焦慮分數、心跳率、反應時間(包括前動作時間 PTM 與動作時間 MOT )之資料,以獨立樣 本 t 考驗進行分析。 結果顯示高狀態性焦慮可延緩反應時間以及前動作時間,但對動作時 間則無顯著影響。由於反應時間及由中樞訊息處理之前動作時間及周邊肌肉執行之動作時間 組成。是故狀狀態性焦慮之造成反應時間之延緩主要在於中樞訊息處理速度減緩所致。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of state anxiety on the central information processing speed (the promotor time, PMT) as well as the peripheral executing speed (the motor time, MOT) in the total reaction time (TRT). The subjects were 16 male and 14 female university and graduate volunteers who were in good health condition. The subjects were randomly assigned to the experiment group (receiving the frightening situation of jumping from a tower with a parachute) or the control group (no receiving any frightening situation). Each group consisted of 15 people. The dependent variables included state anxiety scores, heart beat rates, premotor time, motor time and total reaction time. These variables were analyzed using the independent t-test. The results indicate that high state anxiety may reduce the total reaction time and premotor time, but not the motor time. That is the high state anxiety may slow down the central information processing speed, but may not affect the peripheral executing speed. The slow down of the total reaction time is mainly due to the reduction of the central information processing speed. |