題 名 | 以幻燈片評估陽明山國家公園遊客對原生植物之視覺景觀偏好=Visitors' Visual Preference for Native Plants on Yangmingshan National Park--A Color Slides Approach |
作 者 | 劉庭芬; 林晏州; | 書刊名 | 國家公園學報 |
卷 期 | 7:1/2 民86.12 |
頁 次 | 頁70-86 |
分類號 | 435.7 |
關鍵詞 | 原生植物; 視覺偏好; 陽明山國家公園; 視覺模擬; 景觀美質評估法; Native plants; Visual preference; Yangmingshan national park; Visual simulation; Scenic beauty estimation method; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要的目的在探討遊客對陽明山國家公園內原生植物的視覺景觀偏好。本研究以15種喬木及3種灌木種植在陽金公路、11種喬木及3種權木種植於冷水坑停車場及9種喬木和3種灌木栽植在大屯自然公園中的狀況進行探討,並以個人社經特性、熟悉度、所從事的遊憩活動及植栽本身的時令變化等為研究變項,使用電腦模擬各區植栽景觀之幻燈片,作為原生植物景觀偏好之環境刺激媒體。調查採用室內放映幻燈片,由遊客進行景觀偏好評分工作。結果經由T檢定及變異數分析等統計方法進行假設檢定。結果遊客對大多數植栽間的偏好有顯著差異。但開車兜風者與登山健行者對植栽偏好的明顯差異性,只出現在與車輛有關的陽金公路及冷水坑停車場部分。個人社經特性對植栽偏好的影響,在陽金公路部份有九種植栽 (包籜矢竹、杜英、楓香、混欄樹、山漆、野牡丹、筆筒樹、尖葉槭及臺灣馬醉木) 是年長者 (46歲以上) 偏好植較高;而在冷水坑停車場部分同樣是年長者 (36歲以上) 對其中五種植栽 (包籜矢竹、杜英、野牡丹、筆筒樹及野鴉椿) 的偏好值偏高,且男性對三種植栽 (筆筒樹、尖葉槭及野鴉椿) 與教育程度較低者對一種植物(包籜矢竹) 的偏好值也偏高;至於,在大屯自然公園部分年幼者與教育程度低者對當中八種植物 (包籜矢竹、青楓、楓香、牛奶榕、野牡丹、筆筒樹、臺灣馬醉木及野鴉椿) 的偏好值偏高。至於,遊客對植物時令變化的偏好狀況大致為結果期與開花期最受偏好,其次為綠葉期或變葉期,而最不偏好落葉期。在來園次數方面,其對植栽偏好值的影響不大,僅在陽金公路之兩種植栽有顯著差異,來園次數愈多偏好值也愈高。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore visitors' visual preference for native plants on Yangmingshan National Park. The research used fifteen species of trees and three species of shrubs on Yang-Chin Highway, eleven species of trees and three species of shrubs on Lengshuikeng parking lot, and nine species of trees and three species of shrubs on Tatun Natural Park as treatment. The variables were visitors' characteristics, frequency of visit, the recreation activity visitor engaged and seasonal chagne. Visitors were requested to rat each simulation slide according to their preference. Study hypotheses were tested by their preference ratings. The findings are summarized as follows: 1.Visitors' visual preference for native plants had a highly significant difference between most plants. 2.There is highly significant difference between drivers' and hikers' visual preference for native plants on Yang-Chin Highway and Lengshuikeng parking lot. 3.Nine species (Yushania usawai, Elaeocaarpus sylvestris, Liquidambar formosana, Trochodendron aralioodes Sieb. et Zuec., Rhus succedanea L., Melastoma candidum D. Don, Sphaeropteris lepifera, Acer kawakamii, Pieris taiwanensis) of native plants were most preferred by visitors aged over 46 on Yang-Chin Highway. Three species (Sphaeropteris lepifera, Acer kawakamii, Euscaphis japonica) preferred by male, five species (Pieris taiwanensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Melastoma candidum, Sphaeropteris lepifera, Euscaphis japonica)preferred by visitors aged over 36 and one species (Pieris taiwanensis) preferred by less educated visitors on Lengshuikeng parking lot. Eight species (Yashania usawai, Acer serrulatum, Liquidambar formosana, Ficus erecta var. beecheyana, Melastoma candidum, Sphaeropteris lepifera, Pieris taiwanensis, Euscaphis japonica)are preferred by visitors less educated and aged under 18 on Tatun Natural Park. 4.Visitors' preferences for native plants are difference in seasonal change on plant appearance. 5.Frequency of visiting Yangmingshan National Park seems to have a positive correlation with visitor's visual preference for native plants on Yang-Chin Highway. |