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題 名 | 德文兒童/少年小說中譯本簡介=A Brief Introduction to the Chinese Translations of Novels for Children and the Youth Written in German |
作 者 | 馬佑真; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 86:2 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁235-255 |
分類號 | 875 |
關鍵詞 | 德文少年小說; 德文兒童小說; 德中翻譯; 中文譯本介紹; Novels for youth in German; Novels for children in German; German-Chinese translation; Chinese versions information; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文對臺灣目前已有的德文見童/少年小說中譯本,做了一廣泛的整理介紹,共列舉出15位作家,30餘部作品及50餘種翻譯版本。所有介紹的作品,都是以專門為兒童或少年所創作的小說為對象,不包括童話及改寫自經典文學的「少年讀本」。介紹的範圍以語言為條件,凡是用德語創作的小說都包括在內,故共有德國、奧地利和瑞士三國作家的作品,依作者年代先後排序。介紹的內容,除詳列各版本的基本資料及作者簡介外,也將筆者理想中少年小說譯本所應具備的編輯條件,譬如是否有作註說明,是否有編寫導讀文字等,也都包括在內,以供比較。 |
英文摘要 | The present article is a general introduction to Chinese translations of German novels for children and the youth that are found in Taiwan. It includes 15 authors, more than 30 works and more than 50 translation editions. All the works studied are those with a target audience of children and youth. They do not include fairy tales or classics rewritten for children. Language being the main basis for the selection of the novels, works written in German from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are included. The order used in presenting the novels is chronological. The present article not only gives the basic publication information for each work, it also compares the different works with regard to some complementary but necessary "editing" such as cultural-bound concepts and values and other elements that may help to situate the novel for its readers. |