- 媒介對國發會「議題設定」與「引爆」的功能--兼論對大專學生政治態度之影響
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題 名 | 媒介對國發會「議題設定」與「引爆」的功能--兼論對大專學生政治態度之影響=Media "Agenda-Setting" and "Priming" in the 1996 Taiwan National Development Conference--On Influences Upon College Students Political Attitudes |
作 者 | 劉恩良; | 書刊名 | 民意研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 201 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁54-74 |
分類號 | 571.6 |
關鍵詞 | 議題設定; 引爆功能; 政治態度; Agenda-setting; Priming; Political attitudes; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為因應新局面新挑戰的必要,反映整體社會深切的期待,眾所囑目的「國家發展 會議」已於八十五年底如期召開。在傳播和人們生活較遠的國家會議題上,媒體扮演極重要 的角色。 到底媒體是如何經由議題設定 (agenda-setting ) 的功能來建構公眾對國發會的 認知, 又是如何經由議題引爆的過程 (priming) 影響公眾對政府施政績效的態度和評估是 本研究的主旨。 針對 357 位世新傳播學院的學生,於國發會開會期間 (八十五年十二月二 十四至二十八日 ) 所做的調查結果顯示大學生的媒介使用凸顯了國發會議題在他們心目中 的重要性,也間接提昇大學生眼中對國發會的評估。除此,媒介對國發會更深遠的社會意義 在於「引爆」 (priming) 存在人們心中對國發會議題的重視、和態度, 遂以此顯著的認知 和態度作為評估政府施政的一項指標。正如研究結果指出覺得國發會議題愈重要者、對國發 會有愈正面評價者,愈覺得政府官員或政府機關能回應民眾需求、也愈相信政府和政府官員 能處理好政事。 最後,研究發現社會議題 (如生活品質、環保、教育等方面 ) 的顯著性對 大學生外在政治效力感和政治信心有負面的影響。因此,本研究誠懇建議今後成立的國家諮 詢機構應將民眾熱烈要求「社會改造」的訴求納入主題。 |
英文摘要 | In the end of 1996, the highly expected National Development Conference was held in order to challenge problems facing Taiwan today. Generally speaking, the issues proposed in the conference are unobtrusive that people have little personal experience. The mass media thus plays an important role in shaping how people perceive the issues. The objective of this study is to investigate how the mass media construct a picture of the National Development Conference in people's mind and to explore how the mass media prime the National Development Conference as criteria that perople use to evaluate whether the government is responsive and trustful. The evidence employed in this study was taken from a survey conducted during the period of meeting (December 24--28, 1996), using a sample of 357 students from the World College of Journalism and Mass Communications. Results showed that public affairs media use significantly increased salience and importance of those issues raised in the conference. Students who often follow public affairs media news were more likely to evaluate the conference positively. Those who had positive evaluation and who thought the proposed issues are salient to them were more likely to perceive that the government is responsive to citizen's demand and to trust government officials and institutions. Finally, the study indncated that salience of the social issues such as living quality, environmental protection, education reform would undermine the students' external political efficacy and political trust. The study, therefore, sincerely suggest that social reforms should be included in the agenda of further national consulting institutions. |