- Apical Infection Associated with an Ectopic Calculus--Case Report
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- 以引導組織再生術治療伴隨有牙根表面牙結石狀沉著物的齒根尖周圍病灶--病例報告
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題 名 | Apical Infection Associated with an Ectopic Calculus--Case Report=伴隨根尖發炎的異位性牙結石─病例報告 |
作 者 | 袁國; 曾春祺; 韓維美; 黃啟洲; | 書刊名 | 中華民國牙周病醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 2:4 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁217-223 |
分類號 | 416.946 |
關鍵詞 | 根尖牙周炎; 牙結石; 牙菌斑; 根尖病灶; 根尖外根管感染; Periapical periodontitis; Dental calculus; Dental plaque; Periapical lesions; Extraradicular endodontic infections; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 牙結石基本上是鈣化的牙菌斑,它的上面緊附著未鈣化的牙菌斑。通常它沿著游離牙齦邊 緣上下存在牙周囊袋、唾液腺和假牙及其他口內裝置上。本病例是一位有異位性牙結石存於下顎犬 齒根尖表面,傳統根管治療後出現伴隨竇管的根尖發炎。經由根尖手術去除該異位性牙結石及根尖 刮除術,觀察兩年在臨床及放射線上證實成效良好,同時於本文中探討有關異位性牙結石可能的形 成與扮演的角色。 |
英文摘要 | Dental calculus is basically a mineralized plaque generally overlaid by tightly adherent nonmineralized plaque. It can form in the periodontal pockets above or below the free gingival margin, salivary glands, as well as on dentures and other oral appliances. This case presented as an ectopic calculus located on the apical root surface of a mandibular canine which was refractory to non-surgical endodontic treatment and formed a periapical infection with a sinus tract. After removal of the ectopic calculus by periapical surgery and apicocurettage, the two-year result demonstrated a successful improvement clinically and radiographically. Feasible explanations for this ectopic calculus are proposed and discussed. |