題 名 | 質量效應與鉍元素對ADI破裂韌性之影響=Effect of Mass and Bi Element on Fracture Toughness Study of ADI |
作 者 | 李深智; 許正勳; 胡家榮; 張肇家; 馮慧平; | 書刊名 | 材料科學 |
卷 期 | 29:3 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁185-194 |
分類號 | 472.2 |
關鍵詞 | 質量效應; 沃斯回火; 破裂韌性; Mass effect; ADI; Fracture toughness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究將兩組不同成分、不同厚斷面之球墨鑄鐵,利用改變沃斯回火熱處理條件 ,以得到具高強度、高韌性之ADI,並探討質量效應、鉍元素與熱處理變數對平面應變破裂 韌性K□值之影響。實驗結果顯示一組成分(未添加Bi)ADI在較高沃斯回火溫度(360℃) 比較低沃斯回火溫度(300℃)得到較高之K□值但差幅不大,僅約4%左右;而在質量效應方 面,比較試片厚度的差異(30~115mm)影響K□值之程度則約在10%之譜,且較厚者其K□值 較高。另一組成分(添加Bi)不同沃斯回火溫度(300與360℃)影響K□值之差幅約9%,而 質量效應的差異( 30~115mm )影響 K □值之程度則約在 5% 之譜。由此可知,在本研究 之鑄件厚度 30~115mm 之範圍內,質量效應與鉍之添加,對 ADI 之 K □值的影響僅在 4~10% 之譜,可謂不甚顯著而可忽略。 |
英文摘要 | It is the purpose of this experiment to evaluate the effect of mass and Bi element on the plane strain fracture toughness K □ of austempered ductile iron subjected to austempering heat treatment processing at different temperature and time. The results showed that the material without Bi addition austempered at higher temperature (360 ℃ ) yielded better K □ values than that of the lower temperature (300 ℃ ), although the difference was not very significant at about 4%. In this regard, the mass effec on fracture toughness seemed to be more profound at about 10% in castings thickness range of 30mm to 115mm, with the heavier section being higher in K □ values. For material with Bi addition (40ppm), the effect of heat treatment processing was such that K □ values differed about 9%, and the mass effect on fracture toughness value was about 5%. It was concluded that at the section size of 30~115mm, the mass effect and Bi addition affected the fracture toughness of ADI at only 4~10% and thus was insignifican t and negligible. |