題 名 | 導入階段國小實習教師專業輔導之探究=An Evaluation of the Professional Support Provided for Newly Qualified Primary School Teachers |
作 者 | 葉郁菁; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學報 |
卷 期 | 10 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁325-356 |
分類號 | 523.35 |
關鍵詞 | 國小; 實習教師; 專業輔導; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要探討小學教師培育過程中,三大專業輔導機構-師範學院、小學與縣市教 育局,在導入階段輔導實習教師的成效,並提出實習教師的需求,以作為將來輔導實習教師 的參考。研究者以郵寄問卷方式與訪談為研究資料搜集的方法。樣本為臺南師院八三級 245 位結業生,共回收 146 份; 此外,研究者還訪談八位臺南師院教授、三位在臺南縣市任教 的資深教師、五位實習教師任教小學之校長。其間,研究者並參與縣市教育局與師院舉辦的 座談會與研習活動。主要的研究議題有以下四項:(一 ) 師院的專業輔導;(二 ) 小學的專 業輔導;(三 ) 縣市教育局的專業輔導;與 (四 ) 實習教師的需求。 由統計結果發現,多 數實習教師依賴其他小學教師,解決其教學與班級管理的問題,因此,小學的專業輔導可視 作提升教師專業的主要來源。從本研究中發現,師院教授的輔導工作受三項因素影響:一、 師院結業生分發全省各地,實際訪視有困難;二、師院的教學與行政工作負擔重,指導教授 難以兼顧大五結業生實習;三、師院教授與小學之間存在默契,某些學校可能誤解教授訪視 的本質。小學的輔導工作,可分為兩大主要來源,校長與資深教師。部份校長因其職務,無 法直接參與輔導的工作,但由學校專業輔導制度的整體規劃來看,校長屬於靈魂人物,負責 輔導教師的聘任與評鑑,也是相當重要。至於實習輔導教師,與實習教師接觸最多。熱心助 人與輔導學生的技巧兩項,被認為是擔任輔導教師最為重要的特質。在聘用輔導老師時,必 須考量資深教師的意願,本研究提出四項影響資深教師擔任指導工作的重要關鍵:(一 ) 學 生的成績可能受影響;(二 ) 指導實習的工作負擔重; (三 ) 輔導教師的角色定位模糊;( 四 ) 輔導老師被實習教師觀察有壓力。 這些因素部份可以透過制度的規範達到改善,例如 ,擔任輔導教師可以不必擔任級任,減少授課時數等。同時,研究者認為,擔任輔導老師之 前,資深教師應再受職前訓練。縣市政府教育局的專業輔導,主要是以舉辦研習活動的方式 。實習教師中多數肯定研習活動的功能,但是值得商榷的是,研習活動的內容應該要能更切 合新進教師的需要。實習教師建議一般實習教師的需求有三項:教學技巧、班級秩序的管理 、以及與家長的溝通。他們提出自己的困擾問題則有四項,低成就學生的輔導、班上學生程 度差異太大、與班級秩序的管理及學生常規訓練。這些均可以做為將來實習專業輔導計劃的 參考。 |
英文摘要 | This research explores the current situation and debate the efficiency of the professional support from the agencies of support. The following questions will be tackled: what kinds of professional help and support do the first-year teachers get? The reasons for the apparent failure of professional support will be analysed and explored. A questionnaire was conducted, as a supplement to the interviews, with the 245 graduates from the National Tainan Teachers College in April 1995, and 146 of them were returned. The returning questionnaires were numbered and coded. The data were analysed and presented in the form of frequencies and cross-tables. The data were also drawn from school experiences and were collected through classroom observations, tape recorded interviews, and documents. In addition, observations were undertaken in the graduates' and tutors' meetings in the College and meetings of school head teachers and first-year teachers. This paper focused on the support from other professionals during the induction. When the first-year teachers face problems of teaching and pupils' misbehaviour, they have to rely on themselves or consult the experienced teachers. First of all, the function of college tutors in supervising the first-year teachers has been discussed. Their ineffective supervision was due to the diffusion of students all over Taiwan. Besides, their heavy workload in the Teacher Training College reduces the possibility of personal visits. The consent between the primary schools and the College tutors is another hinge that influences the tutoring. The primary schools are thought to provide the main support for the first-year teachers. Nevertheless, many first-year teachers were not provided with sufficient information before they were placed in schools. The headteacher might be responsible for the execution and evaluation of the mentoring programme, and they also have the responsibility of ensuring the first-year teachers were supported in the primary schools. Most first-year teachers expressed a need for mentors. Four reasons that the experienced teachers are reluctant to take the responsibilities of mentors have been identified. They are afraid that their pupils' grades could deteriorate. The possible effect of inducting the mentoring system into primary school classrooms needs to be taken into consideration. The second reason is the pressure of being observed by the first-year teachers. The ambiguous role of mentor constitutes the third reeason. Furthermore, mentoring is a demanding task. The construction of a supportive context would need input from the college tutors, Local Education Bureau, and the primary schools. Without this, an effective mentoring and support scheme will be difficult to fulfill. |