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題 名 | 親子溝通對幼兒社會行為的影響=Parent-Child Communication Patterns and Children's Socially Competent Behavior in Early Childhood in Taiwan |
作 者 | 鍾鳳嬌; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁133-176 |
分類號 | 528.2、528.2 |
關鍵詞 | 依附行為; 親子溝通類型; 幼兒社會能力; 社會化; 內在運作模式; Attachment behavior; Parent-child communication patterns; Children's social competence; Socialization; Internal working-model; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的有二:一是從微觀分析的角度,了解中國父母在社會化歷程中親子溝 通互動型態的特色;另一方面,本研究亦要提出證據驗證依附理論,親子間有凝聚性溝通 型態者,此種互動方式將內化成為幼兒與同儕發展人際關係的基礎。本研究採用觀察法,以 質量並重方式探討親子在幼稚園內互動遊戲的溝通型態,四十四對父母及其※就不同性別的 幼兒而言,母子比父子在溝通互動上顯現較多的建議,父子母子在溝通互動上用了較多的要 求,父子的溝通互動亦顥著比母子的溝通互動具有凝聚性,父母對女兒的要求顯著高於對兒 子的要,求母女溝通互動的要求顯著高於父子溝通互動的要求比率,父親對兒子溝通互動的 建議比率亦顯著高於母親對女兒的建議比率。父女比母女的溝通互動出現較多的回饋,父母 與兒子的回饋溝通亦顯著高於父母對女兒的回饋溝通。高社經家庭與中社經家庭的親子溝通 型態,其差異雖未達.05 的顯著水準,高社經家庭親子溝通顯現較高比率的相關輪流轉換; 高社經父子使用較多的要求,而中社經父子使用了較多的建議。另一方面,從親子互動與幼 兒社會能力發展而言,本研究結果提供了部份證據驗證了 Bowlby 的理論,不同親子溝通型 態之間的幼兒,其社會能力亦有所差異,高母子溝通凝聚組的幼兒在壓力容忍度、成就取向 、及自主性上都顯著高於低母子溝通凝聚組的幼兒,亦即幼兒與父母建立的親子關係,可能 形成幼兒的內在運作模式,而此模式亦會導引幼兒與同儕或其他人發展人際互動的基礎。最 後,本研究亦對未來研究提出一些建議。 |
英文摘要 | The primary goal of this study was to examine the relation between parent-child communication patterns and children's social development. Additionally, parent-child communication pattern was analyzed based on child's age, gender, and social economic status. Specially, parent-child communication interaction was investigated in a microanalytic approach. In sum, parent-child coherent communication was examined in relation to children's social development. Forty-four preschoolers. age 36 to 50 months, and their parents participated in the present study. All children were from intact two-parent homes. Participants were recruited in southern and eastern Taiwan. Both father and mother were invited to play with their child for 30 minutes in a playroom in their child's current preschool. Each parent-child interaction was videotaped. All speech during these two sessions of activities was coded to assess parent-child communication patterns in terms of discourse cohesion. Additionally, children's social development was rated by teachers using the Preschooler Behavior Q-set. Parent-child communication interaction indicated a characteristic of reciprocity. A greater proportion of explanation was found within the communication interaction of parent and elder children. Parent and younger children's communication interaction had a bigger ratio of back-channel feedback. It appears different communication patterns between father-child interaction and mother-child interaction. A greater proportion of suggestion was found within mother-child communication interaction and a greater proportion of request was found within father-child communication interaction. Unexpectedly, father-child communication interaction was more coherent than mother-child communication interaction. Post-hoc comparisons indicated that parents-daughter's communication interaction had significantly higher proportion of request than parents-son's communication interaction. Additionally, mother-daughter had significantly higher proportion of request than father-son within their communication interaction. Father-son had significantly greater ratio of suggestion within their communication interaction than mother-daughter's communication interaction. Furthermore, father-daughter had significantly higher proportion of feedback within their communication interaction than mother-daughter's communication interaction. Parents-son had significantly higher proportion of feedback within their communication interaction than parents-daughter's communication interaction. Findings of this study demonstrated a positive association between mother-child communication interaction and children's competent behavior, especially on the scores of stress tolerance, achievement-orientation, and autonomy. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge with regard to Chinese socialization by providing information about the associations between parent-child communication interaction and children's behavioral competence in Taiwan. Lastly, some research suggestions had been provided for future study. |