題 名 | 八十五年度提昇國民體能專案體能檢測報告=The 1996 National Fitness Test Study |
作 者 | 江界山; 吳慧君; | 書刊名 | 華岡理科學報 |
卷 期 | 14 1997.05[民86.05] |
頁 次 | 頁157-192 |
分類號 | 412.5 |
關鍵詞 | 健康體能適能; 身體質量指數; 肌力; 肌耐力; 心肺耐力; 柔軟度; Health-related physical fitness; Body mass index (BMI); Muscular strength; Muscular endurance; Cardiovascular endurance; Flexibility; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究經八十五年度施測臺灣地區6-65歲國民36,483人體能資料,依不同年齡、性 別,進行描述統計、百分等級、七分等級等資料處理後,得到以下結論(由於30-65 歲國民之 受測樣本不夠大,因此本文暫不討論): 一、男生身高自6歲起快速增加,6-16歲間約長高50公分,此後的變化便極微小;女生 身高亦由6歲起快速成長,其中又以9-12歲間增加率最高,平均每年增加6公分,16歲 以後的變化便極緩慢。 二、男生體重在9-16歲間增加較為快速,每年約4-5公斤,16-19歲體重增加較趨 緩和;女生體重則是在10-13歲間增加較為快速,13-15歲趨於緩和,16-24歲 間則變化不明顯。 三、身體質量指數(BMI)會隨著年齡增加而升高,男生在18歲以後趨於穩定狀態;女生 則是在14歲以後即不再增加。 四、男、女生腹肌肌耐力之發展亦隨年齡增加而增加;且同時在年齡達到25歲後有稍微衰退 現象。 五、男、女生在18歲以前其下背及後腿柔軟度之發展曲線十分相似,惟女生之柔軟度優於男 生。 六、男、女生心肺適能的發展隨著年齡的增長而增加;男生在達到21歲時是心肺適能的巔峰 ,女生則是在17歲時達到。18-25歲階段女生呈平穩狀態,男生則自25歲後有明顯衰 退現象。 七、瞬發力的發展曲線會隨著年齡而增加,且男、女生均是在19歲時達到最高峰,20歲以 後則變化不明顯。 |
英文摘要 | This research included a wide range of age groups from 6 to 65. There were 36,483 people tested in Taiwan during 1996. All results were processed through described statistics 100 percentile and divided into 7 grade classifications and reached the following conclusions. Please note that the age group between 30 to 65 will not be discussed in this article which is due to insufficient numbers of population surveyed. The results are as follows: 1.Height grew most between the age of 6 to 16, an average growth during this period was 50cm. No major changes were noted after that. Girls height grew most between the age of 9 to 12, an average growth declined obviously after the age of 16. 2.Boys weight gained most between the age of 9 to 16, an average gained of 4-5 kg annually. The weight gain slowed down gradually between the age of 16 to 19. Girls weight gained most between the age of 10 to 13 and the weight gain declined between the age of 13 to 15. There were no major changes between the age of 16 to 24. 3.Body Mass Index (BMI) BMI increased as age advances. Boys growth reached their peak and stabilized after the age of 18 and 14 for girls. 4.The abdominal muscular endurance increased as age advances for both boys and girls and started to decline after the age of 25. 5.The development patterns of flexibility were very similar between boys and girls before the age of 18, but girls surpassed boys. 6.The cardiovascular endurance increased as age advances for both boys and girls. Boys reached their maximum at the age of 17. Girls reached their plateau between the age of 18 to 25. Boys declined after the age of 25. 7.The explosive strength improved as age advances. Both boys and girls reached their maximum capacity at the age of 19. No major changes took place after the age of 20. |