題 名 | 詩書經中的天人關係之探討=A Discussion on the Relationship of Man and Heaven in the Shi Jing |
作 者 | 趙雅博; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 24:4=275 1997.04[民86.04] |
頁 次 | 頁302-326 |
分類號 | 093 |
關鍵詞 | 天; 上帝; 人; 心; 人心; 道心; 天命; 配天; 貞; 示; 祭; Heaven; God; Man; Xin; Renxin; Tao Xin; Tian Ming; Pei Ming; Zhen; Shi; Ji; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國這個古老的國家,自建國伊始,就虔信有至高無上的真神上帝,同時也信祖先靈魂不死,《詩》、《晝》古典籍的記載,本甚明白,但自五四運動之學人,力倡古籍為偽書,所載後人向壁虛造,並非真實,但由於古物發掘,發現商朝的甲骨文片,雖多殘缺,然而對上帝之存在,以及對世界人類之種種關係,可說是昭然若揭、真材實料,純然古物,無法否認其真實性,筆者將現有解釋甲骨文字之書籍,細心剔出有關上帝的種種作為:風雷雨旱,人間官職之升降、戰爭、修築、豐收、指揮小神等等皆有記載。關於祖先方面,有賓或不賓於上帝祭祀之記載,也有多項有關祭祖、求佑、祈福等等之祭禱記載,這顯是信 自己的祖先身死而有靈魂 (始稱之為靈魂) 之存在,這自然是一種信祖先在肉體之外,還有存在,另外甲骨文有殺人以祭,以及殉葬之事實,在在皆為人信仰人死後,仍有存在之物。 |
英文摘要 | The very ancient Chinese civilization, from feudal times onward, has held the belief of a supreme god. Chinese have also simultaneously held the belief of the immortality of their ancestor's souls. However, since the time of the May Fourth scholars, these records were considered to be fakes. Subsequent generations also bought into this theory. Recent archeological discoveries from the Xiang Dynasty, despite being fragmented, have proven that the ancient Chinese had an idea of the existence of a god. These findings have disproved the May Fourth scholars theories. This author has seen the interpretations of these oracle bones and has abstracted some of the ancient god's activities: he was responsible for the wind, thunder, rain and drought. The god was also responsible for governmental dealings, including war. He was also responsible for public works and good harvests. Finally, he was in charge of all the lesser gods. The archeological findings also shed light on the aspect of ancestor worship. There were those that were pious in their worship of the ancestors and the gods and there were those that weren't. The pious were, of course, in pursuit of blessings. Records of prayers for blessings show also the belief in the immortality of the ancestors and the existence of their souls. Other findings also recorded human sacrifice and burial of the living. All of this can be summarized by saying that the ancient Chinese believed in an existence after death. |