題 名 | 從財務比率分析看服務業的未來=From the Financial Analysis to Forcast the Service Industry's Future |
作 者 | 沈佳生; | 書刊名 | 美和專校學報 |
卷 期 | 15 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁103-109 |
分類號 | 495.44 |
關鍵詞 | 財報分析; Financial analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 財務報表隱藏多少企業秘辛?如何解讀報表讓數字說話,在廣泛運用財務報表分 析及理性投資的今日,本文特援引 84 年度「天下 1000 大企業資料庫」中的資訊為讀者評 選身價最高的服務業;服務業的時代來臨了!現今社會上的製造業因投資環境逐漸惡化 (工 資上漲、 環保抗爭、政治安定、公共設施....... 等 ) 已經有許許多多的國內企業遠走異 國它鄉去尋求再造企業第二春,然而國內的服務業卻如雨後春筍般的設立,顯見服務業正進 入產業生命週期之成長階段,但在種類眾多的服務業中到底那些產業才是真正的良駒?本文 特別篩選出十三種熱門服務業並就其財務報表作深入分析與探討,期能提供給大家分享,更 期待諸先進之不吝賜教與批評。 |
英文摘要 | The financial statement of corporation is the important iinformation for inside and outside users. Especially, it can dislose a corporation's financial status. The insiders use the report to diagnose their company. The outsiders take the report as a investment reference. This article use the 1000 corporations data base of the common wealth magazine as a research base. My major target is to analysis the future of the service industry. As we all know, the era of service is coming, many new service company is established. I extract 13 categories of service industry. such as banks, insurance, retailers, wholesalers, securities.....and so on. Hopefully, this article would give my readers some advantages in investment of finance. Honorably, Iexpect your comments and opinions in the near future. |