題 名 | 水產品嘌呤含量定量方法的建立=Studies on the Analytical Method of the Purine Contents in Fishery Products |
作 者 | 駱錫能; 陳翠瑤; | 書刊名 | 食品科學 |
卷 期 | 24:1 1997.02[民86.02] |
頁 次 | 頁1-11 |
分類號 | 361.4 |
關鍵詞 | 嘌呤含量; 三氟化醋酸水解; 水產品; 高效能液相層析儀; Purine; Trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis; Fishery products; HPLC; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的主要在建立簡易分析水產品嘌呤含量的方法。實驗結果顯示利用三氟 化醋酸( Trifluoroacetic acid )及甲酸( Formic acid )的混合液,在 90 ° C 的條 件下加熱 14 分鐘,可將核酸相關物質完全分解生成嘾呤鹼基( purine bases ), 再配 合以逆相高效能液相層析儀( RP- HPLC ), 以 0.02 M KH�烈O4 緩衝溶液( pH =3.2 ) ,於 Lichrospher 5C �睆猻W中進行分離定量,分析 AMP, adenosine, adenine,GMP,g uanosine,guanine,IMP,Inosine, hypoxanthine,xanthosine 和 xanthine 等十一種 標準試劑的回收率, 除了 xanthosine 的回收率較為偏低( 74.2% )外,其餘的標準試劑 皆顯示極佳的回收率, 分別介於 90.5-105.6% 之間。 添加 2.5 及 5.0u mole/g dry wt. 之標準試劑於魚肉中測得回收率分別在 85.7-103.1% 及 90.6-103.8% 之間,其變異係收( C.V. )則在 1.6-57% 之範圍。比較本法與傳統的 HCI�� 分解法對魚肉嘌呤含量的分析結 果, 發現二者間並無顯著的差異( p >0.05 ),顯示本方法應可適用於水產品嘌呤含量的 分析。 分析鯉魚、劍蝦和赤宗等三種水產品的嘌呤含量分別為 119.89、173.93 及 116.00 mg/100 g wet wt., 係屬於中、高嘌呤含量食品;三種樣品的嘌呤鹼基含量皆以次黃嘌呤( hypoxanthine )為最高。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to develop a method to evaluate the levels of purine content in fishery products. The results indicated that standard substances could be hydrolyzed with a mixture of trifluoracetic acid and formic acid at 90 ° C for 14 min for the quantitative liberation of bases from purine-related substances. The four pruine bases (adenine、guanine、hypoxanthine and xanthine )were then determined by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The recoveries of eleven purine standard substances in cluded nucleotides, nucleosides and bases were between 90.5 - 105.6%, except xanthosine. Similarly, recoveries of standard fortification levels at 2.5 and 5.0 u mole/g dry wt. were 85.7-103.1% and 90.6-103.8%, respectively, and the coefficients of variation were 1.6-5.7%. There were not significantly different (P>0.05) in the purine contents of fish detceted between the established method and the traditional HClO4 hydrolysis method. The total purine content of spear shrimp、 common carp and yellow porgy were investigated and they were 173.93、 119.89 and 116.00 mg/g wet wt., respectively. All the three spices belong to the moderate or high purine-content foods. The dominated purine base in three samples was hypoxanthine. |