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題 名 | 新竹師院校園網路的規劃與建置=The Planning and Construction of Campus Computer Network in National Hsin-Chu Teachers College |
作 者 | 唐文華; | 書刊名 | 新竹師院學報 |
卷 期 | 10 1997.02[民86.02] |
頁 次 | 頁121-140 |
分類號 | 448.6 |
關鍵詞 | 電話撥接網路; 臺灣學術網路; 網際網路; 全球網路資訊系統; 小田鼠系統; 電子佈告欄; 檔案傳輸站; Dial-up network; Internet; TANet; BBS; Gopher; WWW; FTP site; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著資訊和網路科技的發展,電腦在日常生活上的應用更加普遍和多元化,而人 類對於網路的依賴性也相對提高。為了迎接網路資訊時代的來臨,新竹師院於八十二年開始 規劃校園網路,準備以階段方式完成電腦教學網路、校務行政網路、學生宿舍網路和電話撥 接網路,並逐步建立網路上的共享資源。經過三年的努力,上述的各項網路皆已如期完成, 對外與臺灣學術網路連接的速度,也已經提昇為 1.544 MBPS(T1 專線 )。 如今校園內網路 四通八達,學生宿舍每間寢室都有網路可連接到校內、校外、甚至全世界網際網路所及之處 ,師生們也可以從家中透過電話線連上學校的電話撥接網路,享受既方便、又快捷的服務。 在網路資源方面,新竹師院的全球網路資訊系統以圖文並茂的方式,替學校各系、所、中心 和學生活動做了最生動的介紹,而小田鼠系統則提供了許多重要的校園資訊;電子佈告欄更 是同學們的最受,平時線上人數經常維持在一、兩百人,而每天上站人次更高達五、六千人 ;其他如圖書資料查詢系統和檔案傳輸站,也都陸續加入服務的行列,希望能藉此為全校師 生提供更好的網路資訊服務。 |
英文摘要 | The Computer Center of National Hsin-Chu Teachers College (NHCTC) has started to plan the construction of campus computer network since 1993, and the goal is that education network, school administration network, student dormitory network, and dial-up system network are to be constructed and integrated together. Three years later, all the networks are completed and the speed of data transmission line connected to TANet has been raised to 1.544 MBPS. Nowadays, the campus network in NHCTC is so widely spread that all teachers and students can connect their computers to campus network from offices, dormitory, or even their homes (by using MODEM) to enjoy the convenience of network service. As for the network resources, NHCTC'S WWW introduces the school by literature and lively pictures as well. Gopher system provides us with important information in campus, while BBS is adored by most students. Usually, there are more than one hundred users on line, and more than five thousand people have logined every day. Other resources like library query system and FTP site have joined the team to provide even better network service. |