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題 名 | 維生素C補充劑在人體的生物利用率=Bioavailability of Vitamin C Supplements in College Students |
作 者 | 劉珍芳; 翁巧金; 胡雪萍; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 21:4 1996.11[民85.11] |
頁 次 | 頁385-393 |
分類號 | 411.38 |
關鍵詞 | 維生素C補充劑; 生物利用率; Vitamin C supplments; Bioavailability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗主要是探討合成的、天然萃取的維生素C補充劑及天然水果中的維生素C於人體內之生物利用率。本實驗設計為cross-over design,11位大學生(5男6女)先經過1星期之維生素c飽和期,於飽和期前後收集空腹血作為基礎線。經2天之排空期後進行為期一個半月之實驗,實驗日當天給予受試者服用含500毫克維生素C之新鮮水果量(VC)或維生素c補充劑(合成性,vs;天然萃取,VN),每隔0、2、5、8小時抽血並收集24尿液。能以HPLC進行血漿及尿液中維生素c含量分析。結果顯示:食用合成之維生素c補充劑後體內維生素c濃度快速提高,但其在體內停留時間較短且尿中排出量較多(P<0.01)。相對地,食用天然水果之維生素C,體內維生素C濃度為逐漸地上升且停留時間較長,尿中排出量也較少,在人體的利用率較高。服用天然萃取之維生素C補充劑在人體的利用情形則介於上述兩種維生素C之間。 |
英文摘要 | The relative bioavailability of vitamin C from two kinds of supplements and one kind of fresh fruit was compared in II medical college students (5 male, 6female). A cross-over design was used and each cycle consisted of two-weekrepletion and 2-day depletion period. Subject groups randomly received 500 mgascorbic acid treatment from one of synthetic vitamin C tablet (VS), naturalextracted vitamin C tablet (VN) or fresh fruit (guava) (VC). Blood samples werecollected at 0, 2, 5 and 8 hour after each treatment. Twenty-four hours urinesamples were also collected on each experimental day. Plasma vitamin C value after the ingestion of different sources vitamin C (VS, VN and VC) were significantly greater than after ingestion of placebo. Afteringestion of VS, the plasma vitamin C level increased sharply and returned tobaseline rapidly than VN and VC groups (p < 0.01). However, the plasma vitamin C value increased gradually after ingestion of VC and maintained a highervalue than VS and VN within 8-hour period. This indicated that vitamin C fromfresh fruit (guava) is more bioavailable than from the other two supplements.Natural extracted vitamin C has extended effectiveness over synthetic vitamin Csupplement. |