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題 名 | 解題歷程導向教學對國小四年級數學科低成就學生解題表現之成效研究 |
作 者 | 邱上真; 詹士宜; 王惠川; 吳建志; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育與復健學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁75-108 |
分類號 | 523.32 |
關鍵詞 | 解題歷程導向教學; 國小; 數學科; 低成就; 學生; 解題; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的主要目的在於檢驗「解題歷程導向教學對於國小四年級數學科低成就學生解題是表現的成效。本研究採用單一受試多重基線研究法,以八位國小四年級數學科低成就學生為受試,進行教學生,其中五位受試接受小組教學,另三位受試則接受個別教學。教學程序採示範、引導、評量之步驟,而教學內涵則包含問題轉譯、問題整合、解題計劃與監控,以及解題執行第四個解題成分。所得資料以圖示法、目視分析法以及簡單描述統計法分析。結果顯示解題歷程導向教學對國小四年級數學科低成就學生之解題表現有正面效果,但教學分組型態則無明顯差異。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the effects of process-oriented problem solving instruction on mathematical performance of the 4th graders with low achieving. The study used a multiple baseline with a two-group design. Five subjects received small group instruction and three subjects received individual instruction. Conditions of the multiple-baseline design included baseline and instruction. Teaching procedures were from modeling, leading to testing and the contents of instruction included problem representing, integrating, planning and monitoring, and executing. Visual analysis of the single-subject data showed the process-ofiented instruction to be an effective intervention for this sample of students, but no significant difference between small and individual instruction. This study has implications for teaching problem solving to the 4th graders with low achieving. |