- 離子感測場效電晶體模型在電腦輔助設計上之研究
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題 名 | 離子感測場效電晶體模型在電腦輔助設計上之研究 |
作 者 | 林威全; 鍾文耀; 孫臺平; 周榮泉; 熊慎幹; | 書刊名 | 材料科學 |
卷 期 | 27:2 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁147-150 |
分類號 | 448.552 |
關鍵詞 | 離子感測場效電晶體; EIS系統; 本質濃度酸鹼值P覌; 巨集模型; P覌 sensor; ISFET; Macro-model; EIS system; SPICE; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本篇研究首次提出使用SPICE電路模擬器建立離子感測場效電晶體 ISFET(Ion Sensitive Field Effect-Transistor)巨集模型(Macromodeling),藉由SPICE行 為模式模型(Behavioral Modeling)及修正MOSFET閘極輸入電壓,可模擬不同PH值 的ISFET非線性直流特性,同時,由於使用受控電流源來建立閘極等效電路,所 以,可藉由不同參數來擴充模型的適用性及探討對元件的影響程度,本模型曾驗 證於兩種不同ISFET結構(Ag/AgCl-KCl-SiO��-Si及Ag/AgCl-NaCl-Al�烙��-SiO�� -Si),在EIS(Electrolyte Insulator Semiconductor)系統的絕緣表面感測電壓Ψ0。、本 質濃度酸鹼值pHpzc(pH at the point of zero charge)、汲極、源極輸出電壓上,與文 獻實驗結果可相符。 |
英文摘要 | This paper presents the results from research in modeling ISFET for the pH sensorsimulation using SPICE. Typically, the ISFET device can. be built by replacing the metalgate of the conventional MOSFET with the combination of the reference electrode, electrolyte and chemically sensitive insulator or membrane. Based on the behavioral modeling of SPICE the ISFET model equations can be formulated by modifying the MOSFET threshold voltage to characterize the ionic action between the electrolyte and the insulator of the ISFET device. An equivalent circuit made by controlled current source on the gate of MOSFET was successfully developed to simulate the ISFET gate EIS(Electrolyte-lnsulator Semiconductor)system at different pH values in this research. The simulation results of the characteristics of Ag/AgCl-KCl-SiO��-Si and Ag/AgCl-NaCl-Al�烙��-SiO��-Si ISFET structures show a good agreement with experimentally measured results published by otherresearchers at different pH values. In addition, the thermal model of the ISFET using the temperature dependent and equivalent circuits was also developed in this research. Ourdeveloped macro-model of the ISFET allows the circuit designer to incorporate ISFET's inthe simulation of electronic circuits using SPICE. Therefore, the modeling method createdin this research can also apply to other MOSFET-based sensors. |