- 高級職業進修補習學校學生學習技巧與學業成績關係之研究
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題 名 | 高級職業進修補習學校學生學習技巧與學業成績關係之研究 |
作 者 | 張瑞村; | 書刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
卷 期 | 17 1994.09[民83.09] |
頁 次 | 頁233-262 |
分類號 | 528.81 |
關鍵詞 | 補習學校; 學生; 學習; 學業成績; 職業進修; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要目的在於發展高級職業進修補習學校學生學習技巧之診斷工具,並 探討高級職業進修補習學校學生學習技巧與學業成績之間的關係。研究方法採用內容分析法 探討學習技巧之內容及主要層面;採用調查研究法,進行本研究實證部分之資料蒐集;採用 相關研究法,探討學生學習技巧與學業成績之關係。研究樣本為高級職業進修補習學校學生 共四百九十九人。使用的研究工具為研究者自編之「高級職業進修補習學校學生學習態度與 學習技巧調查問卷」。本研究調查資料經統計分析後,獲致如下之重要結論: 一、女性學生之學習技巧較男性學生為佳,尤其是「學習態度與動機」,女性學生與男性學 生的差異最大,女性學生的學習態度與動機優於男性學生。 二、公立學校學生之學習技巧較私立學校學生為佳,尤其是「解決學習困難的策略」,公立 學校學生與私立學校學生的差異最大,公立學校學生解決學習困難的策略優於私立學校學生 。 三、不同年級學生的學習技巧無顯著差異。 四、學生學習技巧與學業成績間有顯著的相關,尤其以「學習態度與動機」以及「教室內的 學習習慣」與學業成績的相關最高。 本研究依據研究發現,提出下列建議: 一、教師應教導學生正確的學習技巧。 二、學校宜規劃學習技巧訓練方案以輔導學生學習。 三、未來之研究可採實驗研究探討學習技巧對學業成績的影響、有系統的探討影響學生學習 成就的因素、以及學習技巧訓練方案之規劃研究。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to develop a diagnostic instrument and to explore the relationship between students' study skills and students' academic achievements in vocational extension school. This study adopted first content analysis to discuss the contents and dimensions of study skills. Then, it used survey method to investigate the relationship between students' study skills and students' academic achievements. The sample included 499 students. The students came from vocational extension school. The questionnaire was researcher-made. After statistic analysis, the important findings were as follows: 1. The study skills of girl students were better than boy students; there was most significant difference between girl students and boy students in the dimension of learning attitude and motivation especially. 2. The study skills of public school students were better than private school students; there was most significant difference between public school students and private school students in the dimension of stratagem for solving difficulty of study. 3. Of study skills, there were no significant differences among students of three grades. 4. There were significant correlations between students' study skills and students' academic achievements. Base upon these findings, suggestions were made: 1. Teachers should cultivate accurate study skills of students. 2. Administrators and teachers should design training programs of study skills for helping students learn. 3. Future research may explore how students' study skills influence students' academic achievements. Also, factors of influencing students' achievements and design of training program of study skills are in great need of future study. |