- 歸航飛彈之三度空間導引律
- Three-Dimensional Contrast-Enhanged Magnetic Resonance Angiography in the Diagnosis of Dysphagla Lusoria
- 3D Helical CT and MR Imaging of the Pediatric Airway
- 單一視角下三度空間工件的辨識
- 膝關節傷害對活動度之影響
- 不對稱邊坡之三度空間破壞自動化分析
- 以模糊邏輯為基礎之飛彈導控系統設計
- 下肢開放式與閉鎖式動力鏈對膝關節活動度之影響
- Three-Dimensional Measurement of Liver Volume by the Rotation Method: in Vitro Study
- Study of Treatment Variation in the Radiotherapy of Pelvic Tumors Using a New Custom-Made Immobilization Cast and On-Line Electronic Portal Imaging