- 固體邊界效應對多孔性介質中自然對流不穩定性之影響
- Natural Convection in a Porous Enclosure with Water Evaporation and Condensation
- Radiation Effect on Free Convection about a Truncated Cone Embedded in a Saturated Porous Medium
- 直立圓柱體內充填多孔性介質之自然對流熱傳分析
- 水平圓環內部分充填多孔性介質之自然對流分析
- 等熱通量傾斜上自然對流之渦旋不穩定性分析
- Uniform Blowing/Suction and Soret/Dufour Effects on Heat and Mass Transfer by Natural Convection about a Vertical Cone in Porous Media: UWT/UWC
- Free Convection about a Permeable Horizontal Circular Cylinder in a Porous Medium Filled with a Nanofluid
- Uniform Blowing/Suction and Soret/Dufour Effects on Heat and Mass Transfer by Natural Convection about a Vertical Flat Plate in Porous Media: UHF/UMF
- Effect of Internal Heat Generation on Free Convection Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids over a Vertical Truncated Cone in Porous Media: VWT/VWC
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題 名 | 固體邊界效應對多孔性介質中自然對流不穩定性之影響 |
作 者 | 張文政; 張錦裕; | 書刊名 | 力學 |
卷 期 | 9:2 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁115-123 |
分類號 | 440.137 |
關鍵詞 | 不穩定性; 多孔性介質; 自然對流; 固體邊界效應; 渦旋不穩定性; Porous medium; Natural convection; Boundary effect; Vortex instability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討一水平板置於充滿流體的多孔性介質中的自然對流和貫性渦旋不穩定性 ( Vortex instability )受固體邊界效應之影響。流場的穩定性問題係以線性穩定理論來 研究。 推導所得的穩定方程式( Stability equation )利用局部相似法( local similarity method )解之。數值結果發現,固體邊界效應使得熱傳變小,但有穩定流場之 效應。同時亦發現達西數愈大,固體邊界效應愈重要。 |
英文摘要 | Boundary effect on the flow and vortex instability of a horizontal natural convection boundary flow in a saturated porous medium is examined. A linear stability theory is empolyed in the derivation of the stability equations. The resulting eigenvalue problem is sloved by the local similarity method. The numerical results show that, the boundary effect reduces the heat transfer, but stabilizes the flow. The results also shows that the boundary effect becomes more pronounced as the Darcy numbver is increased. |