題 名 | 蘇力菌素高產率醱酵暨高效液相層析全程偵測探討 |
作 者 | 吳美貌; 曾耀銘; 徐泰浩; | 書刊名 | 技術學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁223-230 |
分類號 | 433.85 |
關鍵詞 | 全程; 高效液相層析; 高產率; 偵測; 醱酵; 蘇力菌素; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 蘇力菌素是由蘇力菌所分泌的類核苷酸毒素,具有廣泛毒殺昆蟲之效果,尤其是在蠅類防治應用上具有極高之商品化潛力。本研究中以三株蘇力菌變種與仙人掌桿菌共同比較,以法國巴斯德研究所提供之蘇力菌素為標準品,經由高效液相層析分析,在多次重複試驗中發現在相同培養條件下以蘇力菌達姆斯塔丁斯亞種所分泌之蘇力菌素量最高。經由NB,BHI,TSB,TPB與SMB五種培養基培養顯示,在前述不同菌株培養下,蘇力菌達姆斯塔丁斯亞種於SMB中可生成最高量之蘇力菌素;在搖瓶培養測試時,最適化之培養溫度、酸鹼度與振盪培養轉速分別為30℃,pH7.0,250rpm。在3公升醱酵槽之擴大化試驗中,以HPLC全程偵測發現蘇力菌素量化形成累聚時程在9~24小時間,24小時後所形成之蘇力菌素並無明顯增加。在四槽標準化試驗中,最適之醱酵操作條件:30℃, pH7.0, 500rpm和1.11 VVM ,蘇力菌素形成量可高達1.34g/L,為目前所知發表文獻資料中所顯示的4倍量以上。同時,由所完成之多次醱酵全程偵測結果顯示,該高效液相層析法分析醱酵過程中的蘇力菌素為甚可靠之定量方法。 |
英文摘要 | Some Bacillus thuringiensis (B. t.) strains produce a heat-stable insecticidal adenine-nucleotide analog, thuringiensin (β-exotoxin), which is also known as "fly factor." It has a high commercial potential on flies control. In this study, we used HPLC method to monitor the secretion of thuringiensin of the following four strains: B. t. tolworthi (HD-125), B. t. darmstadiensis (HD-199), B. t. thuringiensis (HD-27) and Bacillus cereus. The results showed that HD-199 had the highest level of secretion among tested strains. NB, BHI, TSB, TPB and SMB media were tested on shaker-flask scale. Finally, SMB medium showed a high production of thuringiensin. Accordingly, SMB medium was used in a 3L fermentor. With fermentation temperature of 30℃, pH 7, agitation speed of 500 rpm, and airation of 1.11 VVM, we monitored a continuous thuringiensin synthesis during the fermentation course. The resu1ts showed a significant accumulation of thuringiensin in 9 to 24 hour period. Finally, we obtained a production level of 1.34 g/L of thuringiensin. In addition, results showed that the modified HPLC method is reliable in quatitative analysis for monitoring thuringiensin secretion during fermentation courses. |