- Effects of Brewer's Yeast and Torula Yeast on Human Serum Glucose and Lipids
- Effects of Brewer's Yeast and Torula Yeast on Glucose Tolerance, Serum Lipids and Chromium Contents in Adult Human Beings
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題 名 | Effects of Brewer's Yeast and Torula Yeast on Human Serum Glucose and Lipids=啤酒酵母和低鉻酵母對於人體血清葡萄糖和血脂肪的影響 |
作 者 | 李一靜; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 16:1/2 民80.04 |
頁 次 | 頁121-130 |
專 輯 | 國民營養 |
分類號 | 411.38 |
關鍵詞 | 人體; 血脂肪; 血清; 低鉻酵母; 啤酒酵母; 葡萄糖; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗在屏東市遴選十八位合於受試條件的成年人(6男 12女)進行啤 酒酵母對血糖和血脂肪影弩之初測研究,受試者之年齡由30至70歲,血清膽固 醇及葡萄糖的範圍分別為 150至 312和 64至119mg/dL.受試者於實驗前禁食九 小時後給予 100克的葡萄糖液,並於 0,30,60,90和120分鐘後測定葡萄糖耐 量試驗。測後受試者隨機分配至啤酒酵母或低鉻酵母組。每日服用10克酵母, 共計十週。實驗結束時,仍進行葡萄糖耐量試驗,其程序已如前述。本實驗並 未發現不同酵母的補充對於葡萄糖耐重試驗有任何顯著的影響。然而在補充啤 酒酵母或低鉻酵母十星期後,分別在60分鐘(P<0.005)或90分鐘(P<o.08)有顯著降 低的效果。禁食後的血清胰島素濃度則未有顯著的變化。此實驗結果顯示在酵 母內也許存在一種除鉻以外能降低血糖之有利因子。結果顯示,低鉻酵母的補 充會升高血清膽固酵的含量(P<0.06)。而補充啤酒酵母十週後,血清三酸甘油 脂的濃度則顯著地降低(P<0.05)。上述發現顯示,鉻在人體脂質的新陳代謝上 扮演一不容忽視的角色。至於鉻影響人體脂質的實際機轉則需進行更多研究方 能有更深一層的明瞭。 |
英文摘要 | A double-blind, controlled study was designed to investigate theeffects of brewer's yeast and torula yeast on serum glucose , insulinand lipid concentrations of the adults. Eighteen participants wererecruited from Pingtung city. The age of the subjects was from 30-70 and the fasting cholesterol and glucose levels were from 150 to 312and 64 to 119 mg/dL respectively. An l00g oral glucose load was givenafter an overnight (9 hr) fast. Blood was drawn at 0, 30, 60, 90 and120 min after the drink for an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Thevolunteers were randomly assigned and supplemented with lOg of eitherbrewer's yeast or torula yeast dai'y for 10 wk. At the end of thestudy, a second OGTT was conducted as previously described. There wasno difference in any measured point of the glucose tolerance testsamong different yeast supplemental groups. After supplementation withthe brewer's yeast or torula yeast, glucose levels were statisticallydecreased at 60 min (p<0.005)or 90 iTin (p< 0.08) respectively aftera glucose load. The fasting insulin levels were not affected by yeastsupplementation. Some substance in the yeasts . other than chromium, might be responsible for the improvement in the glucose tolerance.There was an increment of the serum cholesterol concentrations afterthe 10week supplementation on torula yeast (p<0.06). Triacyiglycerollevels were significantly decreased due to the brewer's yeast supplementation (p<0.05).These findings suggest a role for chromium in humanlipids metabolism. More research is necessary for a definite explanation. |