- Dietary Agar-Induced Enhance Fecal Mucinase Activity and Alter β-Glucuronidase Activity in Rats
- Effects of Carrageenan on Fecal Mucinase Activity and Serum Cholesterol Level in Rats
- Mouse Skin Damage Caused by a Recombinant Extracellular Metalloprotease from Vibrio Vulnificus and by V. Vulnificus Infection
- 幾丁質分解酵素基因ChiF之表現與鏈黴菌Streptomyces Griseobrunneus S3對Rhizoctonia Solani AG4與Pythium Aphanidermatum超寄生作用之關係
- 不同油炸程度炸油對老鼠肝微粒體Cytochrme P-450 相關酵素活性之影響
- 膳食蛋白質量與炸油餵養對老鼠肝微粒體酵素活性之影響﹣﹣示同餵食期間之比較研究
- 大豆菌核病菌之果膠分解酵素及影響酵素活性之因子
- Cup-plate Assay of Proteinase, Lipase and Phosphatase of Mucor
- Studies on Extracellular Peptidases of Actinomucor elegans
- 六種菇菌纖維素分解酵素與木聚醣分解酵素活性之分析