- 配對式同儕團體學習對國中生數學成績、學習態度及自我概念之影響
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- Correlations of English, Science, and Mathematics in a Macau Hugh School
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- 國中生數學成績與性別差異之相關研究
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- 教師性別及其領導方式對國中生數學成績之影響
- 澎湖縣國中生背景因素與數學成績之研究:以自律學習與國文成績為中介變項
- 國中生參與評鑑數學教師教學知能之可行性
題 名 | 配對式同儕團體學習對國中生數學成績、學習態度及自我概念之影響 |
作 者 | 何長珠; 李咏吟; | 書刊名 | 輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 10 1987.03[民76.03] |
頁 次 | 頁267-298 |
分類號 | 521.22 |
關鍵詞 | 同儕; 成績; 自我概念; 配對式; 國中生; 團體學習; 數學; 學習態度; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在探討對台灣國中生可能有效的同儕團體學習策略。其基本假設為實驗處理對同儕輔助者及受輔者之數學成績、學習態度及自我概念,均能有正向影響。 288位受試係自台北市十二所國中選出。參與之教師包括學校諮商員 (輔導教師) 及數學教師。實驗設計組 (一) 及實驗設計組 (二) 之區別在於前者之實驗組和控制組分屬兩班,而後者在同一班。受試之甄選,則主要以數學成績為依據。合格的受試,然後再隨機分派至實驗組或控制組。此外,參與本研究之學校諮商員 (輔導教師) 并須事先接受為期一週的研習會,預演即將來臨的,對輔助者進行的團體輔導。 實驗期間,實驗組及控制組中的配對均須參與一項共同學習計劃,每週三次,共計十八小時。主要之區別在實驗組之輔助者,尚須參加與數學教師共同進行六次的問題討論團體以及與學校諮商員共同進行的,共計八小時的小團體輔導 (諮商)。 結果顯示 (1) 在數學成績之進步上,實驗組之成績優於控制組,唯差異未達顯著性,(2) 受 輔者學習態度之改進在實驗組 (一) 及實驗組 (二)間有不一致的結果,(3) 在輔助者自我概念分數之改進上,實驗組和控制組的差異達到顯著性。 本研究之主要建議為對受輔者亦提供小團體輔導 (諮商) 之服務,以催化其在配對式同儕團體學習中,獲得成績及其他有關項上的進步。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible effective peer group learning strategies for junior-high-school students in Taiwan. The basic assumptions imply that the experimental treatment would benefit both the tutor and the tutee on their performance scores of mathematic test, learning attitude and self-concept. 288 subjects were chosen from twelve junior-high-schools of Taipei city. Participating teachers consisted of school counselors and math teachers. One (experimental group 1) or two classes (experimental group) were selected from each school, and subjects were screened according to their mathematic scores mainly. Qualified subjects were then randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. Prior to the experiment, participated school counselors were required to take one-week in-service workshop focusing on the re-hearsal of forthcoming tutor group guidance. During the experimental period, both experimental group and control group subjects took part in a study-together program for three times a week, with a total of eighteen hours; the only difference is that, for the tutors in the experimental group, a totally six hours discussing group with mathematic teacher and an eight-hour small guidance (counseling) group with the school counselor. was held additionally. The results showed that (1) on the progress of mathematic scores, the performance of experimental group is better than the control group, yet the difference did not achieve statistical significance, (2) on the improvement scores of the tutee's learning attitude, incongruent results on the experimental group 1 and the group 11 was presented. (3) on the improvement scores of the tutor's self-concept, a significant difference (p<.05) was found between the experimental group and the control group. The major suggestion based on this study is to provide small group guidance (conseling) for the tutees as well as for the tutors in order to accelerate the subject matter's performance scores from paired-peer-group learning. |