題 名 | 歷經藥癮母單親養育之女兒的成長逆境與其影響:以一位用毒青少女為例=The Childhood Adversity and Impact of a Daughter Raised by a Drug-Addicted Single Mother--A Case Study of a Drug-Addicted Young Girl |
作 者 | 鄭青玫; | 書刊名 | 人類發展與家庭學報 |
卷 期 | 25 2024.12[民113.12] |
頁 次 | 頁45-79 |
分類號 | 548.82 |
關鍵詞 | 單親母藥癮; 成長逆境; 跨代藥癮; Drug-addicted single mother; Adverse childhood experiences; Intergenerational drug addiction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.6246/JHDFS.202412_(25).0002 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以一位歷經藥癮母單親養育之女兒(代號A)的成長逆境做探究 焦點,了解母親為隱晦的安非他命使用者,A經驗的成長逆境與影響,採敘 說研究之整體-內容分析法做資料分析。研究發現三個歷程主題:(1)童年 前期:未婚母用毒被生父拋棄,A經歷單親、被母疏忽拒絕、經濟困境致居 處不定等逆境,A知覺「沒人要我/我不重要」,以親職化因應。(2)童年後 期至青春期:A發現母親的吸毒秘密,以否認、隱瞞因應;長期受疏忽斷母 女連結,因應孤單,A開始膩於偏差同儕,也因出現種種行為問題常遭母肢 暴管教。面對隱晦用毒、職業低賤、頻繁施暴的母親,A深覺羞恥,對外隱 匿,但內在積恨,最後以暴因應。(3)後青春期:A翹家止母肢暴;A受同 儕邀約開始用毒,因毒多次受觀護,母親的態度從拒絕到轉成釋權展愛,母 女關係出現轉化,A漸信「自己重要」。惟吸毒問題持續侵蝕信任,A 過往 「我不重要、不信任」的創傷持續影響其情緒調節能力,母女常觸發高衝 突。母女界線持續黏結,習慣親職化的A憂家破裂,動念戒毒以為母模範。 根據發現提出單親藥癮家庭研究與輔導建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to understand the specific adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of a daughter (referred to as “A”) raised by a drug-addicted single mother. A holistic and content-based narrative interview approach was used to analyze the data and better understand how A’s mother’s use of amphetamine secretly resulted in ACEs and how these experiences impacted A. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) Early childhood: Due to her drug use, A’s young unmarried mother was abandoned by her boyfriend (A’s biological father). As a result, A experienced ACEs, including growing up in a single-parent family, experiencing emotional neglect from her mother, and having housing uncertainty because of her financial problems. Experiencing such ACEs resulted in A developing the perception that “no one wants me/I’m not important”, and adopting a parentification strategy as a coping mechanism. (2) Late childhood to adolescence: A discovered her mother’s secret drug use and responded by denying and concealing the truth of the situation. Because of her mother’s long-term neglect, the bond between A and her mother was broken. To cope with the loneliness stemming from this lack of mother–daughter relationship, A started to spend time with deviant peers. In response, she was often subjected to physical abuse by her mother in an attempt to discipline her for her various behavioral problems. A felt extremely ashamed of her mother due to her covert drug use, lowly occupation, and frequent violence. A concealed such feelings from others externally, but accumulated internal resentment eventually culminated in A responding to her mother’s abuse with violence. (3) Late-adolescence: A spent long periods of time away from home to stop the physical abuse by her mother. At the same time, she began taking drugs in response to the invitations of her peers. As A was being placed on probation several times due to her drug abuse, her mother’s parenting attitude switched from rejection to more positive interaction and display of love. As the relationship between A and her mother began to transform, A gradually develop the belief that “I am important”. However, the drug abuse problem continued to erode the trust between the mother and daughter. A’s past traumas, that resulted in the perception that “I’m not important and I don’t trust mother” continued to influence her emotional regulation skills. This triggered high levels of conflicts between mother and daughter. The mother–daughter boundary remained enmeshed, and therefore A, accustomed to parentification and feared the breakdown of her family, was spurred on to quit drugs to act as a role model for her mother. According to the findings, suggestions are made for future research and counseling for drug-addicted single-parent families. |