題 名 | 原住民族早育女性懷孕前的生命經驗:離散、錯置與創傷=Lived Experiences of Indigenous Teenage Mothers before Pregnancy: Diaspora, Displacement and Trauma |
作 者 | 莊曉霞; 劉弘毅; | 書刊名 | 臺大社會工作學刊 |
卷 期 | 50 2024.12[民113.12] |
頁 次 | 頁55-97 |
分類號 | 536.33 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民族早育女性; 生命歷程; 累加效應; 交織性; 敘事訪談法; Indigenous teenage mothers; Life course; Cumulative disadvantages; Intersectionality; Narrative interviews; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.6171/ntuswr.202412_(50).0002 |
中文摘要 | 原住民族少女有高於全國4.4倍的生育率,早育改變少女的生命軌跡,影響她們與子女的福祉,需要積極的預防措施,而有效的預防奠基於對這些女性生命經驗的瞭解。透過11位早育女性非預期懷孕前生命經驗的敘事訪談,發現目前預防未成年懷孕的主要論述:身體界線和身體自主權,並非這些女性關注的議題。她們的故事勾勒出懷孕前的生命歷程充滿連續且重複出現的逆境生活事件,早育是終生和跨世代不利因素累積與交織的結果,也是原因;原生家庭在殖民歷史脈絡和資本主義經濟邏輯雙重壓迫下,盡力卻也無能為力;制度的鑲嵌性削弱她們的能動性,壓縮她們的生存空間與機會。研究建議預防措施需兼顧個體和集體,具備社會投資觀點以打破不利因素的代間傳遞,開展以家/部落為中心的服務,與及早、及時的多重埸域的陪伴介入。 |
英文摘要 | The fertility rate of Indigenous teenage girls is about 4.4 times higher than that of non-indigenous girls. Teenage pregnancy changes adolescent mothers' life trajectories and has strong negative impacts both on mothers' and children's wellbeing, requiring proactive prevention approaches. Narrative interviews with 11 teenage mothers revealed that body boundaries and body autonomy are not their priority concerns. Moreover, their life stories before pregnancy portrayed a series of recurring adverse life events. Early pregnancy is a consequence of intersectionality and of cumulative disadvantages across their life-span development. Their families are powerless, even though they have tried their best in the context of capitalist colonialization. Structural and institutional embeddedness weakens these teenage mothers' personal, cultural and social capitals and human agency, limiting their opportunities for choice-making. The research therefore suggests that prevention measures should focus on both the individual and collective levels, take a social investment approach into consideration in order to break the vicious cycle of Indigenous teenage pregnancy, develop culturally sensitive family-centered services, and provide early, timely and long-term support across multiple fields during teenage mothers' transition to high school. |