題 名 | 多元策略教育介入方案對護理職場霸凌與因應技巧之研究=Multi-strategy Education Intervention on Workplace Bullying and Coping Skills |
作 者 | 齊珍慈; 劉淑言; 陳淑芬; 溫美蓉; 傅玲; 傅玲; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 35:4 2018.12[民107.12] |
頁 次 | 頁389-398 |
分類號 | 419.83 |
關鍵詞 | 新進護理人員; 護理職場霸凌; 多元策略教育介入方案; 因應技巧; New nurses; Nursing workplace bully; Multi-strategy education intervention; Coping skill; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 遭受職場霸凌會影響新進護理人員身心健康狀態,對組織產生負面情緒,進而影響其留任,如何提升其對職場霸凌的覺知,加強因應技巧是護理主管者極為重要的議題。本研究目的為瞭解「多元策略教育介入方案」對護理職場霸凌的感受程度及因應能力之變化情形。研究採類實驗研究設計(Quasi-experimental design)、方便取樣,研究對象為北部某醫學中心到職滿6個月以上、一年以內之新進護理人員,實驗組31位、控制組41位,共收案72名。收案期間自2016年4月1日至2016年12月31日,研究結果顯示:多元策略教育介入方案對「職場霸凌」感受程度兩組無顯著差異,但能有效協助護理人員以「理性因應行為」技巧面對職場霸凌情境。依研究結果建議多元策略教育介入方案應全院性推展,並與資訊結合,透過手機或電腦載入應用程式,以方便護理人員隨時應用。 |
英文摘要 | Employees who are victims of workplace bullying experience a significant reduction in their physical and mental health status and negative effects on work organization. Increasing awareness of bullying and coping ability could reduce bullying among nurses. The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-strategy education intervention and understand changes of perception and coping skills after the intervention on new nurses. A quasi-experimental design was used. Data were collected from 72 new nurses from a medical center in Taipei from August 1 to December 31, 2016. The participants were assigned into the experimental and control groups accordingly. The multi-strategy education intervention included a workplace bullying lecture, simulation, roleplay, and focus-group discussion. The study determined that after the multi-strategy education intervention, the participants could use positive coping skills when facing bullying; however, the reception of nursing workplace bullying did not change. Recommendations based on the results of this study: (i) the multi-strategy education intervention should be promoted throughout the hospital and (ii) a mobile approach for the nurses should be developed should they require it in the future. |