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第1筆 /總和 1 筆
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題 名 | 德文關係子句的中譯現象研究=A Study on Chinese Translation of German Relative Clauses |
作 者 | 陳姿君; | 書刊名 | 東吳外語學報 |
卷 期 | 42 2016.03[民105.03] |
頁 次 | 頁21-54 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 關係子句; 關係代名詞; 學習者翻譯語料庫; 學習者語料庫; 德中翻譯; Relative clauses; Relative pronoun; Learner translation corpus; Learner corpus; German-Chinese translation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究試圖透過分析德中翻譯語料,探討德文關係子句對母語為中文的學習者來說,造成哪些理解及翻譯上的困難。德文的關係子句,不論在句構上及用法上,都與中文有極大的差異。此外,德文也不像英、法語,並無法使用分詞片語來代替某些關係子句的功能,因此德文關係子句在德文文章中出現的頻率頗高。這使得中文為母語的學習者,在閱讀德文的過程中,必須時常面對此類與母語差異極大的句構,造成理解德文文章的困難。本研究在四本書的德中翻譯語料的基礎上,透過語料分析,說明了學習者在翻譯德文關係子句時,常運用哪些翻譯技巧。也透過偏誤分析,說明了造成德文關係子句翻譯偏誤的原因。研究發現,德文關係子句的理解能力與其他語言能力密切相關,如關鍵片語的理解能力、複雜句構的解析能力、前後文脈內容的掌握能力等,譯者對關係代名詞的語法知識反而影響不大。因此,為強化關係子句的理解及翻譯能力,進行相關練習的設計時,應考慮語言上多元相關能力的整合練習。 |
英文摘要 | This paper aims at revealing the difficulties in understanding and translating German relative clauses to Chinese students. The applied method in this study is “corpus analysis” which is based on the German-Chinese learner translation corpus. German relative clauses are very different from those in Chinese. In addition, it can’t be rephrased by using the form of relative phrases, which are often applied in English and French. The fact of high frequency of relative clauses in German texts results in many challenges to Chinese learners while reading and translating German texts. Many understanding difficulties result from the big differences of relative clauses between the Chinese and German language, particularly in terms of sentence structure. This study, based on the German-Chinese translation corpus of four books, explains which translation techniques are applied by translators. In addition, the error analysis, applied in this paper, shows which factors do matter in producing the translation errors regarding relative pronoun. The results show the reason of translation error regarding relative pronoun is complex and related to different language abilities, e.g. the ability of understanding key phrases, of analyzing complicated sentence structure and of comprehending the context. The grammatical knowledge of learners about relative clauses doesn’t really matter a lot. Therefore, our practice program for enforcing the ability of understanding and translating German relative clauses should be those that could help develop the integrative ability. |