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題 名 | 翻轉教學應用在設計課程之學習系統建置與評估=Establishment and Assessment of Design Course Learning System for Flipped Classroom |
作 者 | 洪碩延; 王政弘; 徐佳煌; | 書刊名 | 文化創意產業研究學報 |
卷 期 | 6:1 2016.03[民105.03] |
頁 次 | 頁27-35 |
分類號 | 521.59962 |
關鍵詞 | 翻轉教學; 創意設計; 數位學習; Flipped classroom; Creative design; E-learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 網路資訊及科技教育普及改變了學習型態,「翻轉課堂」從過去以教學者為中心的模式轉變為學習者為中心,而網路使得教學內容更為多元。Armando Fox提出的小規模限制性線上課程(SPOCs)概念,源自「大規模網路開放課程(MOOCs)+翻轉課堂」,是個結合實體課與線上教學的混成學習。實施方式為學生在課堂前於指定網站上觀看影片教材,完成教材中之內容測驗與作業,並在實體課堂中回答學習問題,藉由科技解決團班教學缺點。學生經由網路影音教材,學習基礎之課程知識後,透過教師課堂互動。此學習歷程與設計科系學生習得各項技能後,進行創作之方式相符。因此,本研究嘗試建置一套系統,發展符合設計領域課程的數位學習管理系統。以創意設計課程為主,依據多媒體學習認知理論由真人教師所製作完成之影片教材。嘗試探討設計系學生,對系統的使用滿意度是否良好及學習成效是否有顯著提升。系統開發遵循互動設計發展流程,評估系統使用性量表(SUS)及使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS),為最終評估使用。實驗結果顯示,本系統在使用性與滿意度有較高的評價,以及學習成效得到顯著的提升。 |
英文摘要 | As internet and educational technology become more common, it has changed the way of learning for the education of knowledge. Traditional classrooms have changed from being teacher-oriented to learner-oriented Flipped Classrooms, and the internet’s growth has also enriched teaching materials for flipped classrooms. Armando Fox’s concept of Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) combines Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped Classrooms; this new way of learning is a hybrid between physical and virtual classrooms. Students watch videos on a designated website before class before completing assessments and assignments online. The students’ questions are answered in class by the teacher. Technology is now a solution for the problems in traditional large classrooms technology. After having general knowledge from the video lectures, students can apply that knowledge via class interaction. The method of learning is similar to design students apply the general skills they have learnt. The research attempted to implement a digital learning management system that is suitable for teaching design courses. The system uses contents from a digital design course, and uses video lectures made by teachers in accordance with the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The research attempts to investigate the students’ level of satisfaction with the system as well as whether their learning performance improved significantly. The system has an interactive design and its prototype was evaluated by System Usability Scale (SUS). A Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) was evaluated for the final version of the system. Results show that participants were satisfied with the interaction of the digital learning management system and showed improvement in learning performance. |