- Detection of Dehydrogenase in Intact Cells of Bacteria by Means of Triphenyltetrazolium
- 抗菌防臭紡織品之介紹
- Bacteremia and Fungemia in Patients with Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Taiwan
- Evaluation of Topographic Gastric Histology in H. Pylori Infection--A Comparative Study with CLO Test and Bacterial Culture
- 溫度與相對濕度對蝴蝶蘭軟腐病發生之影響
- A Change of Bacterial Flora in the Hepatopancreas of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Administered with Beta-glucan
- 水產食品引起的細菌性食物中毒
- 鱉雙纖維素性出血性壞死性腸炎
- 彩虹鳥蕉組織培養之研究(1)--培植體離體培養污染細菌之檢定及防治
- 蓮霧汁生產細菌纖維素之研究