題 名 | 洮岷藏傳佛寺入清之興衰及其背後的蒙古因素--以《內閣大庫檔》與《理藩院滿蒙文題本》為核心=The Development of Tibetan Monasteries in Amdo and the Mongolian Factors during Ming-Qing Dynasties: Study on Tibetan Monks in the Manchu-Mongolian Routine Memorials of Lifanyuan |
作 者 | 孔令偉; | 書刊名 | 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 |
卷 期 | 86:4 2015.12[民104.12] |
頁 次 | 頁855-910 |
分類號 | 655.7 |
關鍵詞 | 安多藏傳佛教寺院; 和碩特蒙古; 內閣大庫檔; 理藩院滿蒙文題本; 明清蒙藏關係; Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Amdo; Khoshut Mongols; The Archives of the Grand Secretariat; The Manchu-Mongolian Routine Memorials of Lifanyuan; Mongol-Tibetan relations during the Ming and Qing periods; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 明清時期陝甘之岷洮河一帶,為漢藏交通之樞紐。考量西北地區位處漢藏交界之關鍵位置,及其特殊的宗教文化,明朝對該地的統治,除流官制度之外,亦設置僧官與土司。基於藏傳佛教政教合一觀念,藏地僧官往往出於藏人世族,對於地方政治,具有相當程度的影響力。明廷於岷洮河等地,刻意扶植特定宗族勢力,造成了僧官世襲的局面,甚至往往加之以法王、國師尊號,屬以政教大權。其中尤以岷州大崇教寺之大智法王班丹扎釋,洮州禪定寺楊土司一系,河州弘化寺大慈法王釋迦也失之後人,最為尊榮。然於有明盛極一時的洮岷藏傳寺院,其官方地位與政教勢力,於入清以後卻逐漸為青海藏寺所取代,而此現象背後實與青海和碩特蒙古的勢力興起,息息相關。發掘《內閣大庫檔》中關於明清兩代西北番僧的相關檔案,進而結合新近出版之《理藩院滿蒙文題本》,其中關於乾隆朝西北番僧進貢的相關紀錄,正為此研究課題提供了基本史源。 |
英文摘要 | According to the documents regarding the Tibetan monasteries in Amdo from the 17th to 18th centuries, it is obvious that the influence of the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in eastern Amdo, modern Gansu Province, had fallen gradually after the 17th century. In contrast, the monasteries in western Amdo, present-day Kokonor, rose soon after, and then took over the official titles of their peers in Gansu. This phenomenon reflected Qing’s frontier policy that essentially differed from that of Ming China. By examining various materials in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan, with the study of the political geography in Amdo, this study shows that the decline and ascent of the Tibetan monasteries in eastern and western Amdo actually reflect the Mongolian and Muslim factors behind the frontier administration of the Qing court. Moreover, the frontier administration in the northwest that mainly dealt with the Mongolians in Kokonor had highly involved with the Buddhist cultures prompted by the Manchu emperors. The Mongolian prominent monks from western Amdo that presided imperial religious rituals in Beijing and translated Mongolian and Tibetan scriptures into Manchu can indicate that the Mongolian factors not only influenced the periphery but also the metropole in the Qing empire. Herein the author will describe the development of the Tibetan monasteries in Amdo under the transition between the Ming and Qing periods and the ruling of the Qing dynasty. Through delving into Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan archives, such as The Archives of the Grand Secretariat (內閣大庫檔) and The Manchu-Mongolian Routine Memorials of Lifanyuan in the Early Qing (清朝前期理藩院滿蒙文題本), the interactions between the Qing court and the Amdo monasteries will be elaborated. Furthermore, these historical archives provided a solid basis of comparative study on the Ming and Qing, as well as some interesting details about the interrelations between material culture and political function that are usually omitted in Chinese historiography. |