題 名 | 建築設施設備異常樣態及因應措施之研究=Abnormal Types and Countermeasures Analysis of Build Facilities |
作 者 | 戴世桓; 潘乃欣; | 書刊名 | 物業管理學報 |
卷 期 | 6:2 2015.秋[民104.秋] |
頁 次 | 頁1-9 |
分類號 | 441.3 |
關鍵詞 | 建築物; 維護管理; 設施管理; Building; Maintenance management; Facility management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 建築物之設施設備一經啟用,老化至一定程度時,異常樣態會顯現出來,代表該設施設備需要關注其使用及維護狀態,在建築物生命週期理論中,維運管理階段的時間最長、所需費用最高,此階段注重的是如何延長設施設備的使用壽命,本研究透過文獻蒐集、彙整建築物常見結構、設施設備常見異常樣態與處理方式,並透過專家訪談,進行資料的蒐集與驗證,透過過往研究與專家實務經驗提供的資料與檢查,完成設施設備的分類、常見異常、處理方式等三項相關資訊蒐集與整理,經由整理完成的資料,本研究提供三類表格來運用所整理的資訊,分別有:檢查表、應對表、異常樣態表三類表格,並提出檢查維護的標準流程來提供管理維護者參考與使用,以案例研究的方式,來驗證本研究所蒐集的資訊,建立的表格、管理維護的流程,是否可提供實務使用,由案例研究的驗證,了解到本研究所蒐集的資訊、建立的三類表格,搭配標準化的檢查維護流程,可協助管理者較快速的了解各設施設備的異常樣態,該異常樣態應該如何進行處理資訊,對於無該設施設備專業基礎的管理人員,提供了一個標準化的異常樣態與處理方式的查詢、執行資訊,使得管理人員對於設施設備的檢查、維護、管理得到更佳的掌控能力。 |
英文摘要 | Once building facilities began to age, the unusual kind of state will emerge. This situation represents the facilities and equipment needed to focus on its use and maintenance of the state. The aim of building facilities maintenance management is to extend the use life of facilities and equipment. Thus, managers need to identify the abnormal state of the facilities and equipment, and know how to deal with the problem of maintenance and operation. The study makes literature reviews firstly. Secondly, the study classifies building facilities by different purposes, and investigates the common abnormal state and countermeasures of the building facilities during buildings' life cycle. The next step of the study is to verify the correctness of the research findings through expert interviews. Based on the research findings, the study develops individual checklists for practical use of site management. Through the research findings and the proposed checklists, the efficiency of buildings facilities management could be improved. |